Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Elena and Malea Visit -- Days 1 & 2

29th - The girls are all ours!  Woohoo!  Rhiana and Kasey left for Mexico early this morning and we have these little gems for 2 weeks.  Let the fun begin.  We have determine that today is going to be a quiet day.  Yep -- Grandpa has to go to work and Gammy needs one of these so lets find toys and play the day away.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Second Christmas -- House is Packed and I LOVE It.

Well, it is family time and I am oh so ready.  I LOVE the holidays and especially when given the chance to fill the house up.  Jen's family is the first to arrive today and within no time there are games being played, food being prepared, and visits all around.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Mom H's Bday

Okay I can't stand it anymore.  Mom H is turning 80 tomorrow and I want to do something a little extra for her.  We are supposed to pick her up at 12:45 to meet everyone for lunch at 1:00.  It is now 11:00 and I just got off the phone with the complex she lives in.  They have agreed to tell her friends that we are doing a small party at 2:30.  Now for a run to the store for balloons and a cake.  I am back at the house by 11:45 and we hurry off to the Remington.  We sneak in the back door with the balloons, tablecloth, confetti, and paper products.  I then take the ice cream cake down to the kitchen to hold for us and then we just show up at the front door on time to pick up Mom,  Doesn't the room look awesome?

As we are sneaking up and down her hall, I stop for a quick shot of her doorway.  Have you ever seen such a big stocking, lol?  I love it.

Time for lunch with the family.  Mom chose Mexican and thus Mexican it is.

After lunch, we return to the Remington and convince her that we need more space to have cake and gifts as her apartment is just too small for all of us.  As we enter the main room, her friends give a nice "surprise" and she is.  Yay.  Smiles all around.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas in Grapevine

After our beautiful morning at home, we are off to Grapevine for Christmas dinner and fun with Mister's family.  It's a beautiful day and the drive here is most pleasant.  After some time visiting -- it is time to get down to business --- gifts, of course.

Bob gets to play Santa again and let the fun begin.  Soon lovely little stacks of gifts surround everyone and we go through opening one gift at a time so that all can ooh and aah over everything.  Isn't this it should always be done?

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas!  I am like a child and cannot sleep in on this wonderful day.  As all is calm and quiet in our home, I take this time to find some tea and crawl in beside the tree to finish binding a quilt.  I may get this finished today.   Mister and his camera join me for tea and then apparently Santa came to visit although he was strictly asked not to.  I have a wonderful array of fun stuff including something to help me pick up things.  I must really be getting old.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

It is Christmas Eve and I want to know where the time has gone.  Oh my this year has absolutely flown by and I'm not sure, but I think December 1st was yesterday.  I spent the day out in the studio finishing gifts as Mister had to work all day.  Now --- it is time to enjoy the tree and do some binding.  How awesome is this?  I LOVE working by the tree.
How are you spending your Christmas Eve?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Dinner at Home with Jason and Family

We are so blessed to have good friends to share time and conversation with.  Tonight Jason, Tina, Sabrina, and Cecilia are coming for dinner and I am so excited.  Off to the kitchen I go with a meal plan consisting of Glazed Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans with a Bacon/Celery Sauce, and Cheesecake w/cherry topping for dessert.  Yum.  The smells in the house are amazing and soon the sounds of laughter and fun fill the house.