Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Elena and Malea Visit -- Days 1 & 2

29th - The girls are all ours!  Woohoo!  Rhiana and Kasey left for Mexico early this morning and we have these little gems for 2 weeks.  Let the fun begin.  We have determine that today is going to be a quiet day.  Yep -- Grandpa has to go to work and Gammy needs one of these so lets find toys and play the day away.

After work, Grandpa arrives back home and has two little princesses that want all of his attention 

I make tacos for dinner and we laugh ourselves silly at the amount of food Malea puts away.  Oh my.  Did I not feed her enough today?  She has two complete tacos and I want to know where it is all going.  It warms my heart to see them eat so well.  Honestly -- two really good little girls in that department.  Malea loves her little chair and makes sure she is all fastened in each time.  Woot woot!  No fights there either.
Within no time after dinner, the girls both have brushes and it is Mister's regular beauty appointment.  This is the first time that Malea has helped with the styling and they do such a good job.  Yep, we are already back in jammies --- clothing wasn't a real priority today.

Now it's time to mess that hair up again with wrestling and kissing.  This has been just the most fun day.  Lovin' life.

30th - Grandpa is off to work today so it is just me and the girls again.

After some playtime and then the required grapefruit for breakfast -- it's time to get dressed and go for a walk.  We are off to the school to get the wiggles out.  Want to come along?

Great sidewalks along the way, huh?  Oh my.

The minute we spot the school, they are off -- racing for the playground.  Yay!  It's so fun when they are old enough to choose where they want to go and what they want to do.  Malea knows just what she is headed for first.  Now the more challenging stuff.  Off she goes, following in big sister's footsteps all the way.

Soon the swings are discovered and since there is only one "baby" swing, for some reason it must be occupied by both of them at the same time.  Seriously.

A little video for your enjoyment --- whatever you do, don't smile.

After everyone is thoroughly exhausted, we return home for a nap and some quiet time before Grandpa gets home.  When he arrives, it is off to the pizza place for dinner.  I get another treasured picture and memory.  This is the best!

After dinner --- it's back home and while I am cleaning up, it appears that Mister has determined to spoil these girls just a bit more tonight.  I find them in jammies, lapping up ice cream with fresh strawberries.  Yum.  Another great day with my girls.

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