Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas!  I am like a child and cannot sleep in on this wonderful day.  As all is calm and quiet in our home, I take this time to find some tea and crawl in beside the tree to finish binding a quilt.  I may get this finished today.   Mister and his camera join me for tea and then apparently Santa came to visit although he was strictly asked not to.  I have a wonderful array of fun stuff including something to help me pick up things.  I must really be getting old.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

It is Christmas Eve and I want to know where the time has gone.  Oh my this year has absolutely flown by and I'm not sure, but I think December 1st was yesterday.  I spent the day out in the studio finishing gifts as Mister had to work all day.  Now --- it is time to enjoy the tree and do some binding.  How awesome is this?  I LOVE working by the tree.
How are you spending your Christmas Eve?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Dinner at Home with Jason and Family

We are so blessed to have good friends to share time and conversation with.  Tonight Jason, Tina, Sabrina, and Cecilia are coming for dinner and I am so excited.  Off to the kitchen I go with a meal plan consisting of Glazed Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans with a Bacon/Celery Sauce, and Cheesecake w/cherry topping for dessert.  Yum.  The smells in the house are amazing and soon the sounds of laughter and fun fill the house.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Saturday Before Christmas at the Mall

Today is our repeat attempt to watch Mockingjay and we have decided on the 9:45 a.m. showing.  Since we are exchanging our tickets, an early morning, not very well attended time makes sense.  It is easy peasy to make the exchange and 2 1/2 hours later we have enjoyed the show and are roaming the mall.  Everyone - whether you are shopping or not -- needs to make one trip to the NorthPark Mall each year JUST to see Santa.  We have the absolute best Santa ever and he has been doing this for 23 years.  He is dubbed the "Real Santa" even in the news.  I fell in love the first time I saw him and make a trip back each year to stop and take a peek.

Friday, December 19, 2014


I caught Mister standing and laughing so hard at the pantry.  Then he drug me over to see what was happening.  Apparently I did not put the morning's tea away correctly.  After the picture -- he fixed it.  Oh my.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Making Merry with Jason and Family

We are off to the movies (with Fandango tickets) first thing this morning when I notice that we have a text from Jason asking if we want to help them decorate their tree.  Well, dang - how can we make this happen?  We make a quick trip to the theater to find out if we can switch our tickets for another day and as amazing as it seems, we can.  So cool.  We reroute toward Jason's in no time and find that they have a new tree to put up.  Mister opens the box to find a pre-lit tree in three simple pieces and quickly has it ready to decorate.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Foggy Day

I have been in the office sewing all morning and when I finally get around to checking my phone, I discover that the sound has been off and Mister has been sending messages.  The first one says:  Morning!  Spooky out there today.  The second one:  Still spooky.  The third one:  Less spooky now.  Apparently I need to remember to check the phone more often.  HOWEVER, I did look out the window earlier in the day, see the fog he was talking about, and grab a few pictures.  Now granted, I bet it was much spookier up on the 9th floor of a building.