Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year's Eve - A Dear Friend and Time With My Love

 What had intended to be a quiet day at home turned into a day trip that lasted 10 hours and made many new memories.  Come along and peek in on our day.

We hit the road at around 7 on a foggy morning --- heading south.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas 2021

 Merry Christmas!!!!  From our house to yours --- I hope the day is filled with love and laughter.  Phone calls are my link to family today and I'm so thankful.  Do we stop to think about how our world has changed to make just that one little thing so much better?  I can remember when a "long-distance" call meant we could quickly say hi and give any important information.  That was about it.  Cell phones opened a whole new world here and it's one I'm so thankful for.  Especially on holidays.

My sweet Mister and I only do stockings for each other and they are generally, small and simple gifts.  Sometimes silly, sometimes pretty cool.  It's a way of letting each other know they're important and for just some fun.  At our age, if there is something we want or need, it usually just gets bought.  We don't wait for a holiday and then the "obligation" to purchase something.  I think, for us, it all works.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Pelicans are BACK!!!!

 After saying good-bye to family, Mister took me on a hunt for the pelicans.  They were last spotted near the dam as we make our way to lunch.  They've left the area BUT check out the number of egrets and herons in the trees and bushes.  You will have to look really close as all I had with me was my phone, but, it's crazy cool.

Around Town with Mister's Family - Arboretum Too

 Our nephew, Bob, called and wanted to get together as his trip to New York was cancelled and he is having a "staycation" in downtown Dallas instead.  We'd love to spend some time together and make plans to meet up for coffee and a trip to the Arboretum.

Loving the gardens as we do, we could walk them everyday and the holidays just bring them to life in a fun way that one never tires of.  Come along for a few pics.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

5th Annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange

I am a wee bit behind the eight ball on this year's celebration.  I somehow booked another family event on the same weekend and then had to make a switch.  Fortunately, almost everyone was able to make the switch with me.  Once the date is out, the next task is to start in on the craft ornament.  I have spotted one that I think will work and use many of the supplies I already have on hand.  Only time will tell. What do you think?

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Christmas All Through Our Home

 I've finally had a chance to photograph the whole house without anyone around.  It's clean and ready for fun.  Share with me in the beauty of the season.  Starting with the front room.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Brock and Jill Come To Visit - Days 4 & 5

 Welcome to another day in the tour group.  With a little in the house, sleeping in wouldn't happen even if we wanted it to.  We have a lot of living still to get in and we have not achieved our goal of having guests fall asleep in the car while driving yet.  Yes, it's always a goal.

This morning we are off to France for breakfast.  Some might say New Orleans, but even that was French in base.  Le Bon Temps in Deep Ellum has the BEST beignets.  I think they are even better than CafĂ© Du Monde in Louisiana.  Are you ready?  

Friday, December 3, 2021

Brock and Jill Come To Visit - Day 3

 Wow --- short night - or so it seems to the older set in our home.  At any rate, we are up and ready to start this very busy day.  So many fun things ahead and I'm looking forward to it all.  Some boy toy time with the gears while the gals get dressed and soon we are out the door.  Our first stop is Cafe Brazil as this was a request from Jill.  It's one of the things she remembers from her trip here for our wedding.  For the eternally curious, here is a LINK to that fun day as well.  The food is grand, as always, and after our meal, while we wait to pay the bill, Greyson and Uncle are having fun outside looking back in at us.  Just check out this wonderful food porn.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Brock and Jill Come to Visit - Days 1 & 2

 It's been a whirlwind of a week getting ready for guests (yes, we LOVE guests and playing tour guide is one of our favorite activities) and today has finally arrived.  An airport pickup at 1:30 p.m. and then home to drop off baggage, have a light lunch and get settled in.  Once Uncle is off work we are off for some dinner at one of our favorite local BBQ's - Intrinsic Brewery.

I'm going to be honest here and tell you that I struggled with the amount of pictures to include in these posts (today and the next few ones as well) but y'all are just gonna have to put up with an explosion because I know my niece will want to see all of them.  Just scroll on past if they don't interest you as much.  

Greyson is definitely keeping tabs on where Mom and Dad are.  He's not upset being with me, but still a little unsure.  We'll get to be friends.  I can feel it.  As Brock and Jill return, one has succumbed to the lure of the loaded baked potato.  Yep, it's Wednesday.

The rest of us had meat platters and they just were so very good.  Check Texas BBQ off the list.  From here, it might be international all the way.  At least that's the plan.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

More Yard Work --- It Never Ends

 You know how there are certain things that just make one cringe.  Pulling the tubs down from the attic is one of ours.  Ugh.  However, by 11:30 we have accomplished it.  Let the season begin.

I have created a mess all through the house.  Yes, I love this time of year, but it is also a very challenging time.  I have company coming on the 1st so will be doing a "clean a room - decorate a room" thing.  It's gonna take a few days, but the house will be ready for company AND a party by the time I'm done.

The big questions is:  Where do I start?

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thanksgiving - A Little Late

 After a week of couch living, I am finally up to Thanksgiving dinner.  My poor sweetheart has been fending for himself and grousing a wee bit about missing the holiday.  We had to stay home from Jens and it was a really boring day for us.  I was able to get a little done yesterday, but today --- I'm good as gold.

Today -- we are making our own dinner.  There are just somethings that shouldn't be missed.  Mister's turkey looks amazing.

Monday, November 15, 2021

It Started Out as Raking Leaves

 I've noticed that my rose bush in the back yard (just a mini that came in a pot as a gift from Jen several years ago) is starting to bloom again.  This is a for sure indicator of how nice our weather has been.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Scenes From Montana - Days 7-8 - Road Trip South

 5th -   While here in Montana, I am working on a few projects and have made progress today.  Woot, woot.  However, the best part of being here, besides family, is the never ending eye candy.  Here is a little looking out, looking in fun.

Next, we are off to Kalispell with Mom for her Holter Monitor fitting.  All goes well and we are in and out within half an hour - if only all doctor visits went this quick.  Some shopping and running of errands and then back home we go.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Scenes From Montana - Days 3-6 and Bigfork History

 1st -   It's a quiet day in Woods Bay with just a trip to the grocery store on the agenda.  I tried to grab a few pictures of the cherry orchards along the way as they were FULL of golden color.  Mister is quietly working away as he didn't take many vacation days this trip.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Heading North Again - Montana Days 1&2 - Mom's Bday and Halloween

The fall trip to Montana has begun and it's oh so early of a beginning.  We have put our home in the rear view mirror at 3 a.m. and are making our way to the airport.  Ya just never know how long the lines will be and it's best to be prepared.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Dallas Daytripping

 It all starts with tickets to the Van Gogh exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art.  We have those and the museum opens at 11.  Leaving the house at 8 makes for some time to kill.  Come along and share in our amazing day.  First stop is a new-to-us coffee shop along the way.  Here is the Buzz and Bustle LINK  so you can check it out yourself, if you so desire.  That's why I make a separate link now and then - not all who read this give a hoot about coffee in Dallas.  It is what it is.

The other day, I mentioned to Mister that we had not thoroughly explored an area of our city.  We had been there a couple of times, but not to really check it out, so that is our next destination.  Here is the Thanks-Giving LINK to see what this is all about.  It has been in movies, on stamps, and much more.  What a great stop - so much to see and learn right here where we live.

Van Gogh at the DMA

 It's a Van Gogh year, right?  Seems like everywhere you turn, there is an ad for some type of Van Gogh experience.  Yes, we did the immersive event earlier this summer (here is a LINK in case you missed it) and loved it.  Now to see the original paintings - well, at least one series of them.  The coolest part of all this is how up close and personal we can get.  The brush strokes and palette knife marks are so evident, along with other items as well.

This is the first time all of the olive grove paintings have been together in the same place since he painted them more than 100 years ago.

"Upon arriving at the asylum in Saint-Remy-de-Provence in Southern France, Vincent Van Gogh (Dutch,  1853-1890) was immediately captivated by the region's abundant olive groves.  From June through December 1889, he produced a striking series of paintings that capture olive trees at different times of day and in different seasons.  Across the series, Van Gogh experimented with the expressive power of color, line, and form in a quest to unlock the motif's quintessential features.  For Van Gogh, the olive trees reflected the spirit of Provence, the region in southeastern France he called home from 1888 to 1890."

Exploring Dallas - Thanks-Giving Square

 The other day i was reading about Thanks-Giving Square in Dallas.  What I discovered is that although I have been there on two other occasions, I have missed a ton.  I've looked up the previous trips and here is the 1st time LINK 2012 and  2nd time - LINK 2017.  THIS time, we are daytripping around Dallas and have time JUST for this.  No event, just enjoyment.  Come along and see what I found.

The focal point of the square is the Chapel of Thanksgiving and I had no idea that we could go inside.  Crazy people.  "The Chapel of Thanksgiving is the spiritual center of Thanksgiving Square.  The spiraling shape rises 90 feet above street level, suggesting the infinite upward reach of the human spirit.  Constructed of white marble aggregate, the Chapel's design takes its inspiration from the Great Mosque in Samarra, Iraq and the ancient spiral of life."

Buzz and Bustle - New to us Coffee Shop

 We are daytripping around Dallas and a bright, early start has us at Buzz and Bustle.  This is a "new to us" coffee shop and I'm always up for that.  Upon our arrival at at 8:20, the parking lot was being closed off for an event that would happen at 10.  Kinda crazy since all the parking spots are for 30 minutes only, but, whatever.  The guy let us through and said to be out in 2 minutes.  As we parked, I looked at Mister and said, "They can't even make a coffee in 2 minutes."  Leaving me to order, he went and moved the car to a different area.  So strange.  At any rate, while he is doing that, I take some pictures, order, and then he's back.  

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Last Vacation Day - Autumn at the Arboretum and More

 I LOVE member mornings!  Just that one item contributes to my joy in renewing memberships to several spots around town.  To be able to get in early and pretty much have the place to ourselves is such a treat.  Today -- it's a member morning at the Dallas Arboretum and we are there just as the sun is coming up and the lights on the trees are still on.  It's almost a magical entrance.

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere.  Each year we are astounded by sheer number of them.  Oh, and the variety.  It seems as though I see new ones all each time they do their displays.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Still Vacation Days - Huffines Art Festival and a Little Shopping

 Even though we are home from the beach, vacation time continues and staying at home doing chores just doesn't fit in.  My calendar shows that the Huffhines Art Festival starts today and since it's one of our favorites, movement is underway to get out of the house.  Come along and see all the fun fall displays along with anything we see that really catches my eye.  

I LOVE scarecrows and anyone who has ever been to my home in the fall can attest to that.  They are everywhere!  I just love the autumn colors and feel.  Today, the air is crisp as we go in and we even have sweaters/jackets on for the moment.  It's a beautiful day and we are ready to walk.  The first task is to find coffee and while Mister waits for it, I take a few pictures at the front of the festival.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation - Day 7 Heading Home

 Oh  man --- our last day has arrived.  I'm really bummed as this has been such an amazing week together.  My sweetheart is super relaxed and that is wonderful to see.  Rising early again, we break down the bedroom before hitting the beach for our last sunrise walk.  Here's to hoping she doesn't disappoint.  First color shows up AND a little crab stops to say hi as well.  It's a great beginning to our ending.  It's REALLY dark this morning and as the color starts, it almost looks ominous.  Follow along with our walk down the beach and the color changes we enjoy.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Surfside Beach Vacation - Day 6

 It's our last full day at the beach and we are staying put to enjoy every minute of it.  Rising before dark to walk and see the sunrise, Mister locates a tarp that was left in the sand and goes about trying to get it to the trash.  He is unsuccessful, though, as it is really covered with wet sand.  Maybe it will loose more today when the tide goes back down.  Not long after we are out, a bit of color begins.  It's gonna be another glorious sunrise.  Seriously.  Just follow the glory with me -