Saturday, December 30, 2023

A Little Bird and Nutria Watching

 Out, out --- out of the house.  A stop at White Rock Coffee nets us warmth and caffeine before we check in on our pelican friends.  The first stop nets us a big zero.  It's full of people with giant cameras just waiting for the perfect moment and watching a couple egrets and hundreds of cormorants.  Not my cup of tea.  I do spot a line of white making its way around the lake on the other side.  Back to the car only to find that they are further out than I though.  Drat.  They are on the move though and maybe they'll get a bit closer.  Mister finds a park bench and a quilt in the car (it's chilly out) and we settle in with our warm coffee and just enjoy what nature provides to us.  

See my pelican friends?

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Holiday Fountain Magic and Festivus for the Rest of Us

 It's Christmas Weekend so Mister and I are out and about a bit.  Today is the 22nd of December and since my sweetie took the afternoon off, we are heading downtown.  Come along for a walk and some pretty fountains, I hope.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Making Marshmallows

 Putting together packages for mailing is always a daunting project around here.  It means Chex Mix (done) and cookies (done) and gifts (almost done), etc.  It also means candy.  Today are marshmallows.  I know several people have asked for this recipe, so here ya go:


2 tsp. butter
3 envelopes unflavored gelatin
1 cup cold water, divided
2 cups sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1/8 tsp. salt
1 tsp. clear vanilla extract
Optional toppings:  melted chocolate, hot fudge and/or caramel ice cream topping.  Optional garnishes:   baking cocoa, confectioners' sugar, crushed candies, chopped nuts, colored sugars and/or sprinkles.

Here we go:  Line a 13 x 9 pan with foil and grease the foil with butter; set aside.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Relaxing Together - Garland, TX

 After a solid week of "getting things done" we have a chance to just relax.  The party was this morning and everything went well.  Now, as I walk back into the yard after saying good-bye to the last of my guests --- this beautiful light hits the trees out front.

Christmas Through the House 2023

 It's that time of year once again.  It's a lot of work, but I do so love how the house feels once it is all finished.  Come along and see how it turns out.

11/30 - time for the totes to come down from the attic and take over the house.

7th Annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange

 It's time once again to start the preparations for this years Christmas Cookie and Ornament Exchange.  The end of October has arrived and I'm up in Montana.  Gwen has selected this years make and take and gifted them to all.  Today is the day to make the sample.  What do you think?

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Fun Day w/My Sweetie - Chimney Cakes

 Mister and I are taking a day --- getting out and re-centering before the next push.  Our first stop is at Vector, where there is a Small Business Saturday market.  Let's peek in.