Sunday, January 28, 2018

Museum Time at the DMA

It seems as though we have been hibernating the ENTIRE month.  Neither of us has wanted to even risk a bit of the flu/crud that has been going around.  However, today we are breaking out of that mold and attempting to have some fun in the sun.  Well a wee bit outdoor but fun nevertheless. 

The DMA has an exhibit that is about to close and Mister is very interested in it.  That means a trek downtown is in order and after some yummy coffee that is just what we do.  We have a few moments before the museum opens and I wander over to some sculptures for an up close and personal moment.  What do you think of this one?

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Red Hat New Year

We are almost two weeks into the New Year.  Really?  How did that happen?  I think I've left the house once or twice, but for the most part we have just stayed home and tried to avoid the onslaught of flu that is ravaging our area.  I was supposed to attend a 3-day event this weekend but the scare of catching something really scared me away.  I know that makes me sound super old, but it is what it is.  The Red Hat January lunch is also today and I will venture out for a couple of hours, keep my hands close to me and clean at all times, and enjoy a bit of time with these zany ladies.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!!

From us, in Dallas, TX, to you, wherever you may be.  We all have a new, clean slate ahead of us - let's fill it up in awesome ways and build memories along our journey.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 - A Year in Review

This year holds the end of the 50's for me.  I do have to say this has been one amazing decade in my life.  So many changes and so much love.  I am in a happy place and so, so thankful to all who touched my life.  Here's my recap:

We started out the year in January revamping the office and making a better place to work for my sweetheart.  He is able to work from home a bit now and this will make it all better.  I went to Telluride to help Amanda move as she has lots of changes in her life too.  Matt and his family came to visit and I started the slipper extravaganza.  Some crazy women decided to make a pair of slippers for everyone on their birthday.  She should be medicated.

Valentine's Day, Mister's Birthday, 10 days of retreat plus another 4 days retreating/taking class occupied most of February.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas! The Whole Family is Together.

Merry Christmas!  It's here!  Mister and I have slept in this morning.  Isn't that just the most sure sign that you are getting old and there are not any small people in the house?  Should we have slept in?  Probably not.  We have company arriving in a few hours and for some reason, still have a bit to do.  That means get up and get after it right?  Nope.  Let's open gifts.

It's dang obvious that I am NOT the one holding a camera.  Really?  Robe, pajamas, and crazy hair.  Yep, perfect time for a picture.

We took a trip at the first of the month that is was our gift to each other and then we bought a car.  Mister received a few fun cocktail experiment supplies and that's more than enough for our own fun.  With the kids sending goodies, we have a few more packages to open. 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Cranberry Shiver - A Christmas Tradition

Once upon a time, I was REALLY into Taste of Home magazine.  I went to their cooking schools (yep, even have the apron to prove it) and was a subscriber for many years.  It's that addictive personality of mine.

Well, in 1999 I spotted a recipe for Cranberry Shiver and had decided it was time to switch up my Christmas menu a bit.  The kids were older and more willing to appreciate different things.  I moved to a prime rib that year as well for the main course and in the 18 subsequent years, both of those items have been on my menu - this year being one of them.

I haven't shared it before, but looked it up online and as it is a free recipe now, I think I'm okay.  Are you ready?  It's just so, so good.

Start with one package (12 oz. fresh or frozen cranberries).  I always pick up several at Thanksgiving and just pop them in the freezer.  Place them in a saucepan.

Attempting Italian Bread

Happy Christmas Eve!!  Mister and I are in the kitchen preparing for a family dinner tomorrow and I remember that last year I was in here creating a taste of my past and making Lefse (yes, that is a link that you should definitely click on).  So this year, we're going forward instead of into the past.  I have always wanted to venture out a bit in my bread making arena and today is my chance.

A few weeks ago, I went on a hunt for a cookbook I have had FOREVER.  It had vanished.  Oh, I know it's here somewhere and long after I'm gone my kids will find it and remember me calling each one of them asking if they have it.  It'll be fun giggle for them.  I say this because I gave up the hunt, went on the internet, and ordered another copy of it. Yes, I liked it THAT much.  It's from 1973 and this one is in much better shape than the one I had.  It doesn't have all my wonderful notes in it, but I'm ready to go.  Today, we are going to tackle Italian bread.

It's really kind of funny to me because it shows how much our social wording has changed.  The category that the Italian Bread recipe is found under is "Foreign and Holiday Breads."  Cool, let's bake.