Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Trip to Provo for Gammy - Travel and Day 1

A phone text sends me to Half Price Books right before packing.  My carry-on luggage now has all these beauties in it along with Ophelia's quiet book that I made for her birthday.

"Luggage?," you say.  Yep.  I am on my way to Salt Lake City tonight to spend Ophelia's first birthday with her.  Can you believe it?  I sure can't.  Where did this year go?  After a whirlwind drive to the airport during which I am absolutely positive I am going to miss my flight, it turns out that miracles do happen and somehow I am sitting on the plane ready to take off.  Wow.  Closed roads EVERYWHERE!  Jared and Grandpa are on their own for tonight and tomorrow.  Okay --- time to turn everything off and fly.

I am picked up around midnight by Scott and soon we are on our way to Provo where we find Cassie awake so I am able to visit with her for a little bit.  As she takes me down to my room, we find Scott sitting on the floor in the storage room sewing and making repairs on a living room pillow.  Yep -- that's what everyone does at almost 2 a.m.  It's time for some shut eye as it's been a long day and I'm pretty tired.  In my room, Cassie has left the nicest welcome and fresh roses from her yard.  Perfect!

Jared - Summer Camp 2015 Session 1 -- Days 5&6

It's my last day with Jared as a decision has been made for me to fly to Utah tonight since there are more seats available on standby and it will make life so much easier for me.  That means that we still have a couple of things on our list and they must be accomplished today.  First up:  the zoo.  Let's get going while it is semi-cool out and the animals are moving around.  Jared wants to see the dinosaur exhibit and thus that is our first stop.  It appears as though he and the T-Rex are at a stalemate.

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Trinity After Dark -- Still Flooded

With all of the rain we have had this year, the Trinity River has been FULL to the brim for a couple week snow.  It's a gorgeous evening so we drive down to the Continental Bridge to check it out and see if we can get a few pictures.  The first thing we spot is this sign.  Seriously?  Leave it to the city -- makes us all look so very educated here.

We THINK it was supposed to say, "Closed Until Further Notice" but who really knows.

Now -- I'll just let Mister's photography show you what a gorgeous night it really is.  If you look closely at this first picture, in the lower left side you can see a stop sign in the water where the road at the edge of the river is.

Jared - Summer Camp 2015 Session 1 -- Days 4 & 5

We have opted to stay home this morning and work in the studio.  I tell Jared that he can go through all of my scraps and find pieces that match the quilt I made for him last year.  I will then show him how to make a matching pillowcase for it.  Once he has found a stack of fabric, I show him how to cut them into bricks that we can use.  He is 10 now so is learning safety techniques with the rotary cutter.  I'll be glad when the cutting part is over.  Once the cutting is accomplished, it is time to lay out the rows and see how they look.  Design walls laying on their sides --- perfect for floor sitting.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Jared - Summer Camp 2015 Session 1 -- Days 1, 2, & 3

School is out and camp sessions are starting!  My first victim is Jared and after a drive to West, TX, meeting Jen halfway, he is soon in my control and we are on our way back to Dallas.  Jared is 10 and the fourth child out of five.  He has learned much from his older brothers and is soon sound asleep in the car.  Yep, driving in silence back to Dallas.  Once we arrive, he promptly takes his blanket and pillow and builds himself a "man-cave" under my quilt frame in the den.  He then climbs under there and disappears for several hours.  Knowing that time alone in a big family can be hard to come by, I let him be and play his games.  Towards evening, I make him venture out and play a game with me.  Yep, this has certainly been an active day.  We play Sequence and he is definitely some tough competition which is good for me and makes this old brain kick into high gear.  The fact that I am naturally competitive has no impact at all.  It's been a relaxing first day for Jared, I hope he has enjoyed it.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Microwave Power!

I have not felt good for a couple of days now, but I swear that there was a microwave here when I was last in the kitchen.  Goodness -- how did he get that down so quietly.  I feel guilty.

The installation is in progress.  We will have a functioning microwave this week.

Success!!  Good job Mister.  It looks wonderful.  I can't wait to use it.  Here come leftovers again.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Fun With Friends -- Aaron in Town

My friend Aaron is in town with several of his friends for a baseball trip.  After having lunch together, Mister and I decide to join them for the evening.  I haven't been out running around on a Sunday night for quite some time.  We have a great time and it is an absolute joy to get to see him and visit with him again.  Thanks, Aaron, for making time for me during your trip.  Love ya.

Door spotted while out -- gotta love it: