Sunday, December 12, 2021

5th Annual Cookie and Ornament Exchange

I am a wee bit behind the eight ball on this year's celebration.  I somehow booked another family event on the same weekend and then had to make a switch.  Fortunately, almost everyone was able to make the switch with me.  Once the date is out, the next task is to start in on the craft ornament.  I have spotted one that I think will work and use many of the supplies I already have on hand.  Only time will tell. What do you think?

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Christmas All Through Our Home

 I've finally had a chance to photograph the whole house without anyone around.  It's clean and ready for fun.  Share with me in the beauty of the season.  Starting with the front room.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Brock and Jill Come To Visit - Days 4 & 5

 Welcome to another day in the tour group.  With a little in the house, sleeping in wouldn't happen even if we wanted it to.  We have a lot of living still to get in and we have not achieved our goal of having guests fall asleep in the car while driving yet.  Yes, it's always a goal.

This morning we are off to France for breakfast.  Some might say New Orleans, but even that was French in base.  Le Bon Temps in Deep Ellum has the BEST beignets.  I think they are even better than CafĂ© Du Monde in Louisiana.  Are you ready?  

Friday, December 3, 2021

Brock and Jill Come To Visit - Day 3

 Wow --- short night - or so it seems to the older set in our home.  At any rate, we are up and ready to start this very busy day.  So many fun things ahead and I'm looking forward to it all.  Some boy toy time with the gears while the gals get dressed and soon we are out the door.  Our first stop is Cafe Brazil as this was a request from Jill.  It's one of the things she remembers from her trip here for our wedding.  For the eternally curious, here is a LINK to that fun day as well.  The food is grand, as always, and after our meal, while we wait to pay the bill, Greyson and Uncle are having fun outside looking back in at us.  Just check out this wonderful food porn.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Brock and Jill Come to Visit - Days 1 & 2

 It's been a whirlwind of a week getting ready for guests (yes, we LOVE guests and playing tour guide is one of our favorite activities) and today has finally arrived.  An airport pickup at 1:30 p.m. and then home to drop off baggage, have a light lunch and get settled in.  Once Uncle is off work we are off for some dinner at one of our favorite local BBQ's - Intrinsic Brewery.

I'm going to be honest here and tell you that I struggled with the amount of pictures to include in these posts (today and the next few ones as well) but y'all are just gonna have to put up with an explosion because I know my niece will want to see all of them.  Just scroll on past if they don't interest you as much.  

Greyson is definitely keeping tabs on where Mom and Dad are.  He's not upset being with me, but still a little unsure.  We'll get to be friends.  I can feel it.  As Brock and Jill return, one has succumbed to the lure of the loaded baked potato.  Yep, it's Wednesday.

The rest of us had meat platters and they just were so very good.  Check Texas BBQ off the list.  From here, it might be international all the way.  At least that's the plan.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

More Yard Work --- It Never Ends

 You know how there are certain things that just make one cringe.  Pulling the tubs down from the attic is one of ours.  Ugh.  However, by 11:30 we have accomplished it.  Let the season begin.

I have created a mess all through the house.  Yes, I love this time of year, but it is also a very challenging time.  I have company coming on the 1st so will be doing a "clean a room - decorate a room" thing.  It's gonna take a few days, but the house will be ready for company AND a party by the time I'm done.

The big questions is:  Where do I start?

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thanksgiving - A Little Late

 After a week of couch living, I am finally up to Thanksgiving dinner.  My poor sweetheart has been fending for himself and grousing a wee bit about missing the holiday.  We had to stay home from Jens and it was a really boring day for us.  I was able to get a little done yesterday, but today --- I'm good as gold.

Today -- we are making our own dinner.  There are just somethings that shouldn't be missed.  Mister's turkey looks amazing.