Monday, June 28, 2021

Family Reunion - Day 3

With an early departure for sleep last night, our condo is awake early and spending some much loved time visiting on the upper back deck once again.  Mister and Becca went up first and then I joined them with Jen following shortly after.  Well, perhaps we woke her as we were sitting right outside her room, but . . .  Before it was over Matt, Jacob, Cassie and Mairead all spent  some time with us.  I cannot express how much these moments meant to me.  It is our last day with everyone and I want to make every minute count, if possible.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Family Reunion - Day 2

Ahhhh!  I think I'm the first one up.  Well, at least in this condo.  Grabbing a glass of water and my book, I am off to the front porch.

After a bit, Zyra joins me and is surprised that we're the only ones awake.  We have such a fun talk and when Mister joins us, we decide to get out of the sun (which has come over the top of the house and is blasting me) and checkout the upper level deck at the back of the house.  Perfect.  Watching the wildlife below makes for some fun and then peeking at the other condo deck shows little movement on the other side still.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Family Reunion - Day 1

 The gathering is happening.  We are in full swing and loving it all.  Mister and I have decided that this will just be "mostly" a picture blog.  If a story is warranted I'll add it in - so enjoy. (I'll name each grand at their first appearance.)

Caleb and JP

Family Reunion - Before The Gathering

 Months and months of waiting to get to this day.  We are on our way to Utah for my family reunion.  I cannot express how excited I am to have all of my children and ALL of my grands together for the first time in many, many years. 

The trip begins with parking our car in an off-site, new-to-us location.  We are fortunate and catch a shuttle right away.  As we arrive at the terminal and pull up to stop, I assume we are closer than reality and take a tumble out of the bus.  What a great beginning.  We made sure to give ourselves plenty of time, which is good, and have a bit to wait.  The sad part is that we couldn't get a direct flight so round one will take us to Phoeniz.  It's been awhile since we were in this area.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Out and About - McKinney, TX

 I had a Red Hat event this morning so Mister and I are doing some wandering for the afternoon.  McKinney seems to be a great destination and there is a brewery we have not yet been to.  I know --- hard to believe, right?

Tupps brewery!  What a fun and lively place.  So many beer options makes it hard to choose sometimes.

Red Hats After a Year Break


It's been over a year since I was able to attend a Red Hat event.  Partially due to the pandemic, but also due to scheduling.  However, the stars aligned today and I've dug out the proper attire.  Mister has dropped me off and the fun is about to begin.  As usual, I do so enjoy watching the exchanges that go on as friends see one another after a gap in time.  It warms the heart.  Queen Cynthia is sharing the birthday certificate with all as we missed the May meetings.  This is a birthday celebration for ALL.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Member Evening at the Arboretum

 Mister has once again snagged tickets to an evening at the Arboretum.  The temperature is decent and a walk will do us both some good.  As we arrive, I notice that the statues I had been expecting have arrived.  ZimSculpt is all throughout the gardens, however, I will only show a few.  Y'all need to go and see them yourselves.