Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Utah - Day 1 - Travel and Butterflies

My new granddaughter was born in November and I am FINALLY able to go and meet her AND be able to spend some time with my daughter and three more wonderful grands.  I've worked hard all month so that I can deliver some gifts at the same time, leaving me with a satisfied feeling as well.  Today is fly day and I am greeted with rain.  Mister dropped me at the airport a bit early, but all is good and soon I am on my way.  As we near Utah, it looks dang cold out there.  I hope I brought warm enough clothing.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Dinner at the Arboretum - Superb Christmas Gift

For Christmas, we received tickets to a "Garden to Table - Chinese New Year with Imoto" dinner at the Dallas Arboretum and the night has arrived.  Upon our arrival at the Arboretum, we are directed by signs to an Event Parking area that allows us to walk directly into the "Tasting Room" and bypass the entrance entirely.  Greeted at the door by servers clad in black, a white sangria is placed into our hands.  There is a long table to one side of the room and it is beautifully decorated.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Red Hat New Year

Happy New Year to all my sister Red Hatters!!!  It feels like forever since I have been able to attend a Red Hat event.  One of my goals this year is to try and clear some time for it instead of booking EVERY weekend a year in advance.  I know I'm good for this month and February.  March - already hosting an event.  The dates for April and May are not out yet and I know those two months are difficult.  My fingers are crossed for the first weekend in May as it is my birthday month and I'd love to wear my wonderful red dress again.  Time will tell.  At any rate --- back to the present!!!  I am available today and I am looking forward to it.  Let's go!!!

Fonda is our host for this gathering and my picture of her didn't quite turn out, so I'm borrowing one from our Queen, Cynthia.  Here's Fonda AND Cynthia.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Organ Recital on a Rainy Night

It's raining, it's pouring . . . Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head . . . Singin' in the Rain!  Well not quite singing, but Mister has found a wonderful organ concert to attend tonight.  It is at the St. Andrew Methodist Church in Plano and we're not going to let the weather stop us.  As we arrive, the parking lot is pretty empty, so I am saddened that the rain has likely stopped many others.  We have not been in this building before, but it is absolutely stunning.  Perhaps another time, when we are up here, I can stop and get a nicer picture, but, again, the weather is not exactly cooperating tonight.  We have fog too.  In we go.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Exploring Dallas - Teddy Bears!!!

It's been a very busy week here at home, but the sun is shining this afternoon and we are both tired of being in the house.  I heard about a park not too far away that I want to check out today.  It's right in Dallas -- well Highland Park, technically, but  . . .   The Lakeside Historic District!!  According to a marker in a rock nearby, "The Lakeside Historical District is a collection of early 20th century homes flanking Exall Lake and Turtle Creek between Beverly Drive and Wycliff.  Initially planned by Wilbur David Cook, Jr. and subsequently completed by George Kessler, Highland Park was promoted as 'The South's Finest Residence City.'  Many of the most prominent architects of the day designed homes here.  Its residents have played significant roles in the development of both Dallas and Texas."

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Strange Weather & A Backyard Visitor

It was 70 degrees out yesterday and today, well, we have snow this morning and the temperatures are dropping quick.  So strange how quickly it can change.

I heard tiny pelts hitting the window earlier and it was some frozen rain, but now we have flakes of snow.  If you look on the table you will see the entire accumulation.  Hahahahahaha

Yep, batten down the hatches.  It's a doosy.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Just Us Two Spending Time

Starting the year out right -- weekends with my love.  It's a member morning at the zoo and dang brisk out.  We'll go and give it a shot, but my hopes are not crazy high.

A little history on zoo to the left.  I think I've shared this before, but it's been years.

When we arrive, there is a penguin presentation which we listen to and learn several new things.  No pictures, though, because the windows were cloudy and too many people up close to where they were standing.  It was fun just to hear all about them.