Friday, December 13, 2019

Jen's Graduation!! and Family Soccer

My daughter, Jen, has been working towards today for several years now.  She is a mother of five and works full-time as a science/math teacher at a private school AND helps with the curriculum development there.  Finding time to earn a Master's degree --- well, I am in awe and would not miss this for anything.  After helping Jen iron her gown, she left to join the other graduates while we collected everyone from school and followed.

I drove over to Abilene this morning and my granddaughter arrived shortly after me.  Ummmm -- apparently the shoe closet is in the trunk of her car.  I admit, it probably works as well as anything else.

Monday, December 9, 2019

My "New" Cheers Bar --- So Much Fun!

I've been at a Christmas party all afternoon and my sweet man has been wandering the city alone.  When he retrieves me, he asks if I have any other requirements.  Nope, I'm all his and he says to locate a place called Guitars and Growlers, which is supposedly close to us.  It is -- and we are soon on our way.

From the minute we walk in, I love it.  Seriously.  There are times when the vibe is just perfect and this is one of those.  Every single employee spoke with us and introduced themselves.  A group was setting up for an event and the band was just getting going.  Live local music takes the stage here several nights a week.  We select a couple of beer and something for Mister to eat (I snacked like a crazy woman at the party).  Then to just settle in and enjoy.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Year 3 of the Girlfriends Christmas Party

For the third time, I have been invited to the Girlfriend's Christmas Party.  For Suzanne, who started this event, it is year 34.  Wow, but so cool.  It is at Ann's house this year and she has the room decorated beautifully.  Just look at these wonderful Santa's

Saturday, December 7, 2019

3rd Annual Ornament & Cookie Exchange

Another year is almost gone and that means my Annual Ornament and Cookie Exchange is coming up quick.  So many decisions to make and lots to prepare.  So . . . . first up, I need to make a prototype of the ornament.

Taking an online tutorial (I'm typing this in November) more than once --- Mister says he could make the dang thing since he's listened to it so many times -- prepares me and I'm soon cutting fabrics for the sample.  Precious moments are spent in front of the computer, listening once again as I go and after a bit -- I have a sample.  I'ts not perfect, but I think I can teach it.  (The online tutorial was free in exchange for an email address so I'm not violating any copyright laws.)

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Zoo Lights!!

I so love Thursdays as my sweetie usually treats me to great date nights.  Tonight we are attending the Adults-Only Dallas Zoo Lights.  We saw these a couple of years ago with family, but think they have enlarged it and even if not, it's just plain romantic to stroll among the lights.

Upon our arrival, we walk the tunnel -- which is now decorated as Zoodio 54 with extreme strobe lights set to music.  The color change almost constantly as you walk through.  Upon exiting, there is a new display!  These penguins are so cute.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

For the first time EVER -- Mister and I are home alone for Thanksgiving.  A debate ensued as to what we should do, but the thought of no leftovers won out.  We are cooking a complete dinner just for the two of us.  Our turkey weighs 14 pounds and it looks amazing as I write this.  A wine is selected from the cooler and since it's 10 years old, I believe it's time.  This winery used to be in Deep Ellum here in Dallas but now has a great location in Hye, TX and still uses only Texas grapes.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Fun in Dallas - Part 2 - DMA

Our day just keeps going and getting better.  Now, we are at the Dallas Museum of Art for a new exhibit to enjoy.  It is called speechless:  different by design.  per the DMA we can "explore the many ways in which we connect to the world around us through our senses in an exhibition of multi-sensory, interactive, and immersive experiences for visitors of all backgrounds and abilities."  Mister is given a bag full of extra items to help us out along the way.  The first exhibit is "sound of the earth chapter 2" by Yuri Suzuki.  We laid our ears up against the ball and depending on where you stood, different sounds were heard.  Each panel was unique and pleasant.