Monday, June 3, 2019

Rhiana, Elena, Malea Come to Visit - Day 3 Candytopia

Day 3 dawns and we have PLANS!!!  Just one little cute item as I slept in a bit and this is the scene is Mister's office when I wake.  It appears that Grandpa has set her up wonderfully as he sits and works.

Rhiana, Elena, Malea Come to Visit - Days 1&2 - Dallas Zoo

With all that went on last year, we skipped "Gammy Camp" for a summer and so it's been two years since most of the grands have come to play for a bit.  I'm super excited for it to begin and we're getting it started with my girls from Montana.  Due to scheduling, my daughter, Rhiana, is coming for the visit too.  Life is good.

1st - There was a miscommunication over arrival time and I am hosting a Red Hat event this morning while the plane is landing.  (LINK)  Fortunately, my sweet Mister is able to pick up and while I finish up, they are off to get lunch  at Whole Foods

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Red Hatter's at North Haven Gardens

When I joined the Dallas Re-Gals two years ago, MY GOODNESS has it been two years already?, I knew that each member takes a turn hosting an event.  My time has come.  So, I put on my thinking hat - red, of course - and set to coming up with an idea.

My sweet, enabling hubby knew that I wanted to do something in addition to lunch and was always on the lookout for ideas.  One morning, we were at North Haven Gardens enjoying brunch and the new plants.  He glanced around the room and mentioned that he though this would be a nice lunch venue.  Hmmmn - it DID have possibilities.  When our meal was complete, we walked into the gallery to look around and met Dana Wilson.  I mentioned Red Hats and her eyes lit up.  She handles events and had a great plan.  A catered lunch, a speaker (herself), and a workshop -- all for a great price.  I was hooked.  We selected a date and were off --- a few snags along the way with dates, but the day is here and we are ready.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Tyler and Lake Athens, TX

It's an US day.  I love these days when we just get out and about.  Our destination today is Tyler, TX.  They have a rose garden there that I have wanted to see for quite awhile and even though I know it is past peak, I still want to enjoy.

I'm driving and Mister locates a coffee shop for us in Tyler.  Strada is a cute shop with a great patio area, which we take full advantage of as the morning is cool and dry.  It's almost empty but I bet at times the hub of conversation is filling the space.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Jon's Graduation!!!

Oh Em Gee!!!  My second grandchild is graduating from high school.  How on earth has that happened.  I haven't become THAT old, have I?  At any rate, it means a trip to Abilene so Mister and I are on the road again.  As we are leaving Dallas, Jen calls and lets us know that her flights are messed up and she is currently sitting on the tarmac in Dallas.  She's going to miss her connecting flight to Abilene.  Well, this is an easy one.  Turn the car around Mister.  Let's take the northern route and pass right by the airport.

With a quick in and out, Jen is soon safely in our car and we are once again driving west.  It gives us a nice chance to talk and spend time with my daughter.  Much loved time.

I'm starving by the time we arrive in Abilene and food is MY first order of business.  The whole family goes to Heff's and have a wonderful, slow, lunch.  It's great just to sit and talk.  Seriously, I am in heaven spending time with 5 grands, Jen and Louis.

All good things come to an end though and we are back at the house with almost everyone taking a nap.  Okaaaaay.  Then the flutter of excitement.  It's time to get ready and head to the center.  We have someone to graduate.  Several students are playing in an ensemble as we arrive and it sets a perfect mood.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sailing on White Rock Lake

It hasn't even been a solid 24 hours since we returned from Montana, but I booked this night a LONG time ago.  Here in Dallas, on White Rock Lake, is a sailboat called the Dallas Spirit.  It sails several times and week and does sunset cruises in addition to the afternoon ones.  The amazing part ---- it's all free!  Yep, you read that right.  Crazy, but oh so cool.  They are hard to get - go figure - as they book quickly, but it can be done.  Perhaps not this year, but maybe 2020.

Our sail starts at 7 and goes until about 8:30-45 or so.  We arrive on time and are quickly welcomed on board and before we know it, the sails are up and we are heading out.

Visiting Mom and Sis in Montana

It's been awhile since Montana was on our travel list, so it's definitely time.  We have all the plans in order and are heading up to Flathead Lake to visit Mom and Sis for a week.  It's always a pricey flight up there, so taking the least expensive route we could (and still spending $600+) finds us with a layover in Salt Lake City.  At any rate --- we are off!

Upon our arrival in SLC, we just start wandering and Mister spots this sign.  Thinking it may be a nice quiet room to listen to music, we head that direction.  As we walk, I give him the option that maybe it's where the Utah Jazz meets before flights.  It could happen.

Nope - here is what we find:  a mess and what looks like an over-storaged event room perhaps.  No idea but not a place to hang out.  Off we go again until we discover a place for a snack and a beer.  The time actually passes quick and our night flight is ready to board.  Ta-ta Salt Lake.