Friday, March 22, 2019

Sunset on White Rock Lake

Getting out of the house for a bit this evening and we are hoping to get a chance to watch the sunset from White Rock Lake.  It's pretty cloudy so not very likely, but a walking we will go -- because it's good for us. Right?  Want to walk along?  (I'm also trying out my new phone camera -- fingers crossed.)

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Dallas Blooms --- 3rd Time is the Charm

They say that the third time is the charm.  Well, in this instance it rings true.  We have beautiful sunshine in the garden today and the glow from the tulips is remarkable. The pictures do not do it justice as they truly look like lanterns.  As we wander this morning, I'm just going to let you come along.  Enjoy the eye candy with as few words as possible.  Psst -- there are a LOT of pictures.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Jury Duty and Downtown Dallas

Normally, I actually enjoy being called for jury duty.  The timing this go round is a bit dicey as I leave tomorrow morning for retreat so I am actually a bit stressed over it.  It is the first time I've been called to municipal court and am a little unsure of how it will all play out.  At any rate, the DART is my friend today and away I go.

Upon arrival, we sign in and wait.  However, I have one bright spot of news.  If I am selected for a panel, it takes place immediately and rarely goes beyond the day.  Okay, that's better and I can relax, read my book and people watch.  All fun ways to pass time.

After about 3 1/2 hours, names are called.  Mine is not one of them.  Another 1/2 an hour and we are set free.  Okay by me this go round.  I have a lot to do still before tomorrow.

Walking back towards the DART, the evening light is starting to play with the shadows of the buildings.  It makes my camera pop right out and peek around.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Dallas Blooms - Second Trip

Technically it is week three of Dallas Blooms, but the weather kept us away from the first one.  It's still not all that wonderful out, but we are off to see if the tulips popped.  Our first glimpse show that the flowers up front made it after being covered last week.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Spring and The First Peach Blossoms

SPRING is here.  I love this time of year, even if my nose doesn't.  Oh it loves the smells alright, but since moving to Texas, I have discovered a few allergies never before stricken with.  It's the price I pay to reside here, but I have no intention of leaving.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Dallas Blooms and Mardi Gras Parade

Day two of my weekend with my sweetie.  The weather is just not cooperating at ALL.  It's cold and drizzly and supposed to freeze hard again tonight (as it did last night).  It is the second weekend of Dallas Blooms but I was out of town last weekend and it rained then entire time.  I feel bad for the Arboretum as this is something the entire city looks forward to.  At any rate, we are going to tackle the temps and see which flowers are similarly brave.

For the first time ever, things are covered at the entrance.  Well, at least it's the first time I've seen them this way.  Wow.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Saturday in the Hood - Texas Independence Day

I'm channeling Chicago today and the title of this post is a nice little melody in my ear.  February was a WHIRLWIND month for me and I'm thrilled to have a weekend with my sweetheart.  I think he's ready as well and has several great ideas --- starting with coffee.  Now, how is it that my great mood can be altered by the crazy selfishness of others?  My PET PEEVE at coffee shops is when others take up residency at a table that would hold four people.  They stay there all day and drink one cup of coffee, maybe two.  Not only is it inconsiderate to other customers, but terribly disrespectful to the owners of the shop.  I know, I know --- I'm old, but still.