Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Jury Duty and Downtown Dallas

Normally, I actually enjoy being called for jury duty.  The timing this go round is a bit dicey as I leave tomorrow morning for retreat so I am actually a bit stressed over it.  It is the first time I've been called to municipal court and am a little unsure of how it will all play out.  At any rate, the DART is my friend today and away I go.

Upon arrival, we sign in and wait.  However, I have one bright spot of news.  If I am selected for a panel, it takes place immediately and rarely goes beyond the day.  Okay, that's better and I can relax, read my book and people watch.  All fun ways to pass time.

After about 3 1/2 hours, names are called.  Mine is not one of them.  Another 1/2 an hour and we are set free.  Okay by me this go round.  I have a lot to do still before tomorrow.

Walking back towards the DART, the evening light is starting to play with the shadows of the buildings.  It makes my camera pop right out and peek around.

And another trip downtown is in the books.  Until later ----

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