Saturday, March 2, 2019

Saturday in the Hood - Texas Independence Day

I'm channeling Chicago today and the title of this post is a nice little melody in my ear.  February was a WHIRLWIND month for me and I'm thrilled to have a weekend with my sweetheart.  I think he's ready as well and has several great ideas --- starting with coffee.  Now, how is it that my great mood can be altered by the crazy selfishness of others?  My PET PEEVE at coffee shops is when others take up residency at a table that would hold four people.  They stay there all day and drink one cup of coffee, maybe two.  Not only is it inconsiderate to other customers, but terribly disrespectful to the owners of the shop.  I know, I know --- I'm old, but still.

We are now stuck up in the loft where there are a TON of single seats --- she could have been up here and so many more people could be in the vibe that she has tuned out with her ear buds.  Grrrr -- okay rant over and back to my sweetheart.

Groceries for Mom is next on the agenda and then drop-off and a nice visit.  Mister gets her meds all in order for the next week and we are off after an hour or so.  She doesn't really feel great today, so we are letting her be.

Next up is a Costco visit and fun stuff going home with us.  I really enjoy shopping here and need to get back in the habit.  Once my schedule slows down this summer, I will use this resource much, much more.

Lunch!  I would like lunch and BBQ is what Mister would like.  Beer.  Beer and BBQ.  We have a winner now.  OHB is have a Texas Independence Day celebration, making it the perfect choice.

The t-shirt being worn by staff is super appealing to me and it's been a LONG time since I indulged in a brewery shirt.  However, when you see this one, you'll likely agree and it has the added benefit of helping me with my costume for March retreat.  (The red/white/blue is the state of Texas and our flag all in one.)

Fun times with my love.  Tomorrow is another day and we are on our way home for some sleep.

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