Sunday, March 10, 2019

Dallas Blooms - Second Trip

Technically it is week three of Dallas Blooms, but the weather kept us away from the first one.  It's still not all that wonderful out, but we are off to see if the tulips popped.  Our first glimpse show that the flowers up front made it after being covered last week.

A Tasteful Place has all things mint and there is fresh pineapple w/mint, mint jelly, and a chicken soup with mint which is delicious and warm on this chilly day.

Looking out at the main lawn - remember last week?

So many more tulips are starting to show

Pansies everywhere and they are FULL

Watching the picnic basket start to bloom.  I'll go up close next week and get better shots of the ants.

The hyacinth took a hit with the freeze last week

So peaceful

Japanese Maples just starting to show their color.


Mister doing what he loves.  Maybe I'll show a few of his shots later this week.

One lone bee working away -

While waiting for my love, these two robins decided to pose for me.

The majesty of the trees and the birds that live there.

A few extra pics along the path


And that's week 2.  See ya next Sunday.

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