Sunday, March 3, 2019

Dallas Blooms and Mardi Gras Parade

Day two of my weekend with my sweetie.  The weather is just not cooperating at ALL.  It's cold and drizzly and supposed to freeze hard again tonight (as it did last night).  It is the second weekend of Dallas Blooms but I was out of town last weekend and it rained then entire time.  I feel bad for the Arboretum as this is something the entire city looks forward to.  At any rate, we are going to tackle the temps and see which flowers are similarly brave.

For the first time ever, things are covered at the entrance.  Well, at least it's the first time I've seen them this way.  Wow.

Pictures to follow along in the weeks to come -

Saucer Magnolias (some call them tulip trees) are just starting to bloom and a few were hit with the frost last night -- tonight will likely take the rest of the open ones.

Center Meadow - This year's theme is "Life's a Picnic" and that is a giant picnic basket on the lawn.

A little closer up.  I love the ants crawling up to the basket and into the muffin (pie?).

Hyacinth color -

My love helping others --- everywhere we go.  Another testimony of his dislike of selfies.

It's sooooo chilly.  Not a soul out in the main area.

Tulips just starting to peek out among the daffodils and pansies.

The ice crystals on this indicate it may not be long for this world.

Ooooh, the camellias are just beginning to bloom too.

Such individual beauty --- I really love flowers with raindrops on them.

So many beds throughout the gardens are covered.  Fingers crossed everywhere that it is enough.

Moss on the rocks

A lone general in a sea of soldiers

The buildings are really standing out --- another way of noticing that most trees have not leafed out yet. 

It's time to eat real food and we spot a place not too far from the gardens.  It is Casa Linda Salvadorian Cuisine and I am always up for something new. 

The waitress asks if we have been in before and when our answer is in the negative, she wanders off for a sample tray of their aqua frescas.  How fun is this?  The flavors are starting upper left and going clockwise:  Hibiscus, Horchata, Cashew, and Passion Fruit.  They are all amazing, but I opt for Hibiscus and Mister gets the Horchata.

Sharing is always wonderful so the Parillada Salvadorena is our choice.  It is grilled steak, chicken, shrimp with chorizo and onions and served with rice, beans, and a side salad.  Mister also orders a single Tamal del elote con crema - a sweet corn tamale with Salvadorian cream.  This meal is HOT when it arrives.   Simply delicious as well.

Lunch takes a bit longer than expected and my sweetheart has plans for a movie today.  We race to the theater and arrive just as Clint Eastwood's "The Mule" begins.  Perfect timing.  I enjoy the story and have always loved Eastwood.  All is good and as we leave, I notice that it has gotten even colder out.  Mister shares that he wants to go to the Mardi Gras parade in Oak Cliff/Bishop Arts and so I brave the temps and find some hot coffee to help out.  Here they come -

Bands, floats, performers, clowns - this parade has it all.  It is listed as one of the longest parades in Texas and I believe it -- I can't see the end yet.  Not that I want to -- this actually is a ton of fun.  They are throwing beads!!!

Cafe du Monde --- I've been there in New Orleans!!!

Oh my --- now those are some beads.

My selfie loving sweetie -

We did manage to collect a lot of beads.  With the cold temps, there were not as many people as usual and I'm pretty sure that contributed.  Thanks to my sweetie for another great day together.  Well planned dear.

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