Sunday, March 31, 2019

Closing Out the Month - in Weatherford

March is leaving.  What???  We have had crappy weekends the entire time.  I want a nice day although it appears I'm out of luck.  Might as well go with it again.  Today we are off to Weatherford for Trade Days and a chance to walk around outside.  Even though it's cold and a little dreary, freezing our butts off beats sitting on them staring at computer screens all day.

A bit of beauty.  The trees are finally starting to leaf out.

We are on the hunt for a hot drink and a tiny bite of something breakfasty.  From the food court, I peek back at the trade days --- one small section of it.

Mister might have been successful.

Ooooh, Stephanie, Stephannie, and any other's who want a cool dog bed.  Check these out.

Love, love, love this old tool.  It's a treadle base (not sewing related) for a lathe, we think.

An Elna Supermatic for $50.00 but make him an offer.  I already have one.  Pass.  It would have been a great deal though.

Pinking Machine -- this time he's got his price right --- $125.  Way too steep for us but so very cool.

We come really close to a new dining room table, but the car only has one small item in it for the trip home.  Amazing, I know.

On the way over, I had spotted this building and now want to check it out.  Turns out it is Parker County Brewing and their beer is WONDERFUL!!! 

It's also amazingly priced.  Oh, I wish so much this was our neighborhood.  Well, perhaps it will be.  I met up with a realtor at the bar and exchanged cards.  She knows I'm looking and she's sure selling.  Perhaps.

It's been a fun day out with my sweetie, but time to head home.  Drat.  The weekends just end way too soon these days.

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