Saturday, January 26, 2019

2019 Red Hat Season Begins

I have had a super busy week but am back home in time for Red Hat fun.  Our 2019 season begins today with a fun birthday party hosted by Jenn.

Welcome to January.  Mister and I are on our way to Richardson and Jeng Chi to meet up with the ladies.  He drops me off out front and I feel as though I really am in a little Chinatown.  It's wonderful.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Super/Blood/Wolf Moon

I had a really long day, went to bed early and crashed.  However, my sweetheart knew I wanted to see the moon tonight and woke me right before my alarm went off.  Yep, I was getting up no matter what.  We had a great view and I took a few pictures with my phone before heading back to sleep.  Take a peek at the wonders of the world we live in.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Herb's Coffee -- Old Union Coffee Location, New Owners - and Union Bear Brewing

Saturday errands are on the agenda for today so that we can continue our "purge" at home tomorrow.  We are getting started by visiting Herb's House, a "new" coffee shop that is in the old Union Coffee, which we visited in this 2017 birthday season post.  It now has a new look and we want to see just what's what.

Overall, the entrance is pretty similar but it has been streamlined quite a bit.  If you peek at the old post, you will see that the many sofas are gone, giving it more of a sterile feel.  That's okay, but not quite the coffee shop ambiance that I love so much.  Coffee's great though

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Out and About -- DMA, A New (To Us) Bakery, and Kalachandji's

S A T U R D A Y -- day.  I know, that's not how the song goes, but it's in my mind this morning.  It's errand day as tomorrow means the mass cleanout begins at home.  Fun times ahead.

At any rate, we are going to spend the day together and have some fun along with checking things off the list.  Mister has located a "new to us" coffee shop on the way to Mom's.  9 Rabbits Bakery is in the Harry Hines district (something to remember for future shopping trips) and quite unique.  It's an Asian bakery and so there are so many new and fun items to enjoy while sipping on a cup of coffee.  Take a peek at the shop -

Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 - A Year in Review

It's another one of those years that end in 8.  Nice round numbers that mean I'm aging --- rapidly.  I do have to admit that this has been one of the hardest years of my adult life.  Honest!  There has just been so much to overcome and without the love of my sweet hubby, I wouldn't have seen the end of this year.  I'm thankful to be moving on - wish I could say thankful for the experiences, but it's still too new.

I would love to say that January held something.  But it didn't.  The flu was rampant in Dallas and we opted to just stay home much of the time.  I sewed, does that count?  I did attend a Red Hat function and we went to the museum once just in case sewing didn't count.

The following month allowed for 10 days of retreat, lots of visits to Dallas Blooms and my sweet hubby's birthday.  We have tons of decisions ahead so staying close to home happens a lot.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Family Time

Christmas Morning and I'm in my usual spot.  Sipping tea while it is still dark out and enjoying the glow of the tree.  It's the calmest part of the day and I adore it.  Some reading and some reflecting top it off and I can truly start the day with the right attitude.  Merry Christmas!!!

A Christmas Pavlova

Christmas dinner is at Mister's brother's house this year and we are bringing dessert.  The big question, now, is, "What to bring?"  There are dietary restrictions to work around, the largest one being gluten.  Wait!  We have been watching the British Baking Show again and Mister remembers the Christmas Pavlova that was taught one year.  Bingo!  I re-watch the episode and he finds the recipe to put into Paprika for me.  Off to the kitchen I go.

First thing is to take a piece of parchment paper and draw two circles on it.  One is 12" and the other is 6" and inside the larger circle.  Yes, it helps to center it there.  I know it's not a great picture, but it's all I have.

The next thing I do is check the recipe for ingredients and discover that one is on my grocery list.  Okay, change in plan.  Let's get the shopping done and then return to this.

Now, I'm ready to start.  Are you?  Preheat the oven to 325 degrees (F).

With 6 large, room temperature eggs -- separate them CAREFULLY.  Any speck of yolk in the whites will cause the meringue to be uncooperative.