Thursday, May 4, 2017

Birthday SEASON

Ooooh!  The Birthday Season has begun.  Woohoo.  I so love that my sweet man brought this tradition into my life.  Although he makes me feel special every day of our lives, this "season" is just so fun to look forward to.  Today is April 25th and a card with roses arrived for me to enjoy.  PERFECT!

28th - I was treated to a play at the Second Though Theatre tonight.  It started out a bit strange, to say the least, and I resorted to ear plugs during this time to save my pour ears from the LOUD music, once the play started I really enjoyed it and both Mister and I found ourselves laughing pretty hard several times.

29th - I have requested a day out together and want dearly to see the new hippo exhibit at the zoo.  Thus, my wish has been granted and we are off.  First stop is for coffee at a delightful, off the beaten path coffee shop aptly named the Union Coffee House.  What a great place.  I so wish we lived closer to it  AND we discovered that it may be moving.  Still, we will find it again and stop for another tasty treat.  Here are a few pics of the place so that you can see just what we are talkin' bout.  (Yes, that's slang for ya'll.)

There are nooks and crannies EVERYWHERE.

I spot a sign that makes me truly laugh.  I know quite a few people, myself included sometimes, that need the Monday class.  Perhaps we need to make it a meet and greet spot.  HAHAHAHA

There is even an outdoor patio area that is all enclosed.  How fantastic is this?

Okay, okay -- this is supposed to be a post about my birthday adventures.  I suppose I should get back to it -- but go check out this spot if you get a chance.

Dallas Zoo -- here we come.  (I have done a complete separate post on the rest of today --- please click on this LINK to read all about it and see our amazing pictures - if you haven't already.)  Here are a couple of teaser pics.

Our next stop is for lunch at Cane Rosso.  OH I am being spoiled today.  It's my FAVORITE restaurant.  Focaccia, a Margherita pizza, and a glass of sangria.  Can you say yummy?

We are revived and it's time to go again.  Artscape at the Dallas Arboretum is next.  Since Mister LOVES to look a jewelry, I just know I'll be able to pick out a new treasure and I am right.  We find this really fun spot that has fantastic pieces made of clay and designed to look like a butterfly chrysalis or their wings.  Look closely at these pics to see what I mean.  I select a pair of earrings (wings) and a chrysalis pendant as my bday gift, leaving the actually bug pieces for someone else to fall in love with.

I also find a wonderful purple vest that I just have to have and thus, my spending spree comes to a halt.  Look close at the picture on the left and you'll see my butterfly lovelies.  I am thrilled.

The afternoon ends with some ice cream at our local shop, Lake Highlands Creamery, and it's time to go home.  What a fun day this has been with my sweetie.

Once I'm home, I remember that there is an open house today for a new day retreat center in Dallas and, leaving Mister to relax, I make a mad dash over there to sign up for a few days.  Allison is there and she gives me this sweet gift for my bday.  How fun is this?  A new foot for my Featherweight and it is in the cutest little tin.  I can't wait to try it out.

30th - It's Sunday morning and instead of our usual coffee walk, we are switching things up and bit and going down to another little place I adore.  The Dallas Diner is run by this wonderful family and we always sit at the counter so that not only our bellies are fed, but so are our eyes.  It's just fun to watch.

Now what?  I mention that we haven't been down to the lake for awhile and tell Mister that there is a regatta scheduled for today (thank you, Elisabeth, for that wonderful piece of information).  It's crazy windy out and kinda cold as well but we weather (hahahaha) the storm and head out.

The water almost looks muddy with all the wind churning it up, but that doesn't stop our fun in watching these boats attempt their course.

After about an hour in that wind, I'm done.  It's time to do something else.  Mister gets a glint in his eye and starts driving.  When asked where we are going, he says IKEA.  Well, alrighty then.  I need some new storage totes and perhaps, just maybe we will be able to get the bar stools we have been looking at for some time now.  After 4 hours in the store -- oh so many stories to save for another time -- we finally arrive at the cafeteria and Mister treats me to a fancy birthday season lunch.  Swedish meatballs.  I'm oh so good with it and once our bellies are happy and we are revitalized, it's time to fill the carts (yes, up til now we have just been looking and making a list).  After 6 hours in the store -- we are finally out the door.  Whew.  Three new IKEA bags are full along with two new barstools and some shelves for the plants in the office.  Time to get building, Mister.

As for the birthday season part of it, I have all these wonderful totes and two new lights.  I'm such a happy camper.

The day ends with a wonderful dinner out.  YES, the best part of birthday season is that I don't have to cook.  Not a single meal.  It's just so awesome.  Dinner is at 20 Feet Seafood Joint and a perfect end to our day.

Since it's BYOB, Mister filled his wine growler with a lovely Rose and we split a salad before our meals.  Fish and Chips look out.

May 1 --  Happy MayDay!  My dinner out tonight is for some Pho while up in Irving after visiting Mom H.  We tried I LOVE Pho and did indeed love it.

2nd - Today I am blessed to spend some time with Valerie and thoroughly enjoy our 2 hour visit.  The conversation was delightful as is hearing about what is going on in her jet-setting life.  AND, check out my gifts from her --- can you say Party Time!

3rd - Today I got to meet up with Elisabeth for lunch and some fun.  We met at East Hampton Sandwich Shop and then even had time for some fun button shopping.

Again, I am indeed blessed to have such delightful friends and YES, I am wearing the same vest both days.  It's FUN!  E gave me a handmade tool holder along with a couple of fat quarters (she's in the fat quarter birthday club with me) and some pens.  SCORE.

The evening project is Mister putting together our new bar stools.  I do love them so much and perhaps the kids will have an easier time with them as well since it's almost summer and camp sessions are about to begin.

My sweetheart ends the evening with wrapped gifts for me.  I am leaving town tomorrow for 10 days, thus not really spending my birthday with him.  It's all good and we have a sweet little celebration this evening with champagne and say hello to 59.

My gift boxes hold a new cookbook by Mary Berry which I am over the  moon to get and a couple new pair of pajamas.  They are shorts and just prove that my love does listen when I complain of being too hot at night.

4th -  Happy Birthday to ME!  I am at retreat and the gals here are spoiling me (and fellow bday friend, Lydia) rotten.  They surprise us with gifts (an ENTIRE box of fat quarters - OH WOW) and the most delicious chocolate cake I've ever had pass through these lips.

I sure feel loved tonight.  We are even showered with confetti all over us.  What a crazy mess.

Lydia also treated me to a beautiful picture

9th - My son sent me a video today that absolutely melted my heart.  I will keep this one forever and replay it many times.  I simply cannot thank him enough for that crazy cool gift.

10th -  Ana arrived at retreat with this lovely bag that she embroidered with my name.  I adore it and can't wait to fill it up.

14th -  I have received birthday gifts throughout all 10 days of the retreat and wanted to put them all together in one picture.  Thank you so much to Val for the lovely kit, Jen for the flowers, Brenda for the gift certificate, and Shirley for the panel and dishcloth.  It's been such a great time here and I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my birthday.

Upon arriving home, gifts from Amanda and my mom greeted me as well.  Amanda's was a combination birthday and mother's day -- a bucket list book and a very cool outdoor bonsai plant.  I am so looking forward to enjoying both of them.  My mom sent me a gift card which will be put to use rather soon.

I also received my LulaRoe clothing which was ordered while at retreat.  My bday gift to myself I guess.

Additionally, I have been participating in a fat quarter birthday exchange and there was quite the stack of envelopes awaiting me as well.  I am only missing a few and want to get this post finished so check these out.  Coming home has be oh so wonderful, hahahaha.  Yes, Mister, seeing you was the best part.

17th - The FedEx dude showed up today with a Pull-Ups box and I was absolutely stumped as to why or who would have sent that.  What a head smack moment.  It's my birthday/Mother's Day gift from Cassie and her sweet family.  This blanket is oh so soft, but the poem -- oh the poem.  I'm so touched.  Click on the picture to enlarge and you will completely understand.  Also -- thank you so much, Ophelia, for the beautifully colored picture.

19th - Mister had told me to order some new dresses last month and I did.  They arrived today.  The lavender and the teal ones fit perfect, but the orange one is too small.  Since they literally came from China and took 6 weeks to get here, I think I'll just pay it forward to my granddaughter.  Life just works out that way sometimes.

20th - I'm off to use my birthday gift card from my mom and SCORE big time.  With it, I am able to get a new pair of jeans and five shirts.  Mister says with all this new clothes that some old has to go.  I am happy to follow through with that one.

Well, that's it.  The Bday season is officially OVER!  If anything unexpected comes my way, I'll update this entry but until next year -- I'm just gonna bask in the fun of a whole month just for me.  Now, back to work.

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