Friday, May 26, 2017

Congrats Bekah -- First Grandchild to Graduate HIgh School

All the bags are packed, we're ready to go . .  . .   Well alright.  We are not leaving on a jet plane, but we are jetting out of here, dishes and all.  It's getting late and we have a graduation tonight that I just can't miss.  Everything is loaded and we are outta here.  First stop for gas and to check the tires.  Now let's go.

Wait -- what the heck.  The car won't start. Perfect. A few phone calls later and we have a two truck, a rental car AND the car is going to be serviced.  Wow.  Within an hour, we are reloaded and back on the road.  No stops -- let's get to Abilene.

There's at least on more hiccup on the way for us -- yay, more money -- but we do finally get to Jen's house.  Upon our arrival it appears that Bekah is attempting to get some grease out of her graduation gown. Last minute disasters all around.

Finally, the time has arrived.  Let's get to the building.  It's a great venue and we have nice seats.

The music starts and here comes the senior class.  It's a veritable sea of purple and gold.

Both speakers give relatively short talks and they start reading the names.  I'm in shock.  Judging from the clock, if it continues at this pace -- it will barely take an hour for the entire graduation.  I don't think I've ever seen a graduation go so quick.

About halfway through the names, Bekah's line stands and heads for the podium.  It's happening.  I have a grandchild old enough to be leaving high school.  How on earth did that happen?

The names have all been read and the caps have been thrown.  It's time to call it done.

And they are outta here.  Now to head outside to wait and congratulate and take pictures.

It takes a little while, but then her smiling face is standing here and smiling for lots and lots of pictures.  I am so proud of her and so are her mom and dad.

And then the brothers --

Fun and candid shots

Sibling love.

These two want a serious one -- can they do it?  Well one can.

The aviary of bird calls are still making their presence known and then it's our turn for pictures.

What a beautiful young woman she is becoming.  I truly could not love her more.

Now, the world is hers.  What will she do with it?  Time will tell.

Three generations.  Very cool.  Let's go get dessert.

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