Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend with Mister -- Fort Worth Zoo

After a relatively calm day yesterday, we have decided to make a run over to Fort Worth and check out the zoo.  It's been awhile since we were there and walking sounds like a great activity for today.

A quick stop for a donut and some boba tea to take along and we are at the zoo when it opens. First stop is the Bonobo Chimpanzees.  They have a couple of really young ones and we are content to just watch and enjoy.

From there, we are onto the gorillas, where, again, there is a little one.  This is so fun.  Now, I will admit that I don't like their habitats here as much as the ones at the Dallas Zoo, but I am loving the wee ones.

Since we have our tea, we can't go into the primate building right now and have to wander around outside.  The next stop has a meercat that is determined to pose for me.  Love it.

Down the path a bit further, we get to enjoy the rhinos.  Since we don't have these in Dallas, it's a joy for me to see.

The giraffes are nearby and about the time we are watching, they decide to go for a walk.  Oh, please get a drink -- that is just so fun to watch.

Around the corner are the hippos.  I do have a chance to see them as they come up for air, but again, after seeing the new Hippo habitat at Dallas, this seems a bit underwhelming.  In all fairness, I think part of their new construction on the savanna includes a new hippo area.

The best part of attending different zoos is enjoying different animals.  White tigers included.

A few more shots from various parts of the park.  Just enjoy the eye candy.

Check out the itty bitt lizards right near her belly.  They are not babies -- that's their size.  So funny.

The last stop before leaving is at the flamingoes and they are nesting like crazy.

It was also the first time I had ever watched flamingoes bathing in the water.  They were splashing and carrying on as if they were just so happy to be clean.  I laughed and laughed until it was time to go.  What a fun day this has been.  Thank you Mister -- now let's go look at some antiques and have some BBQ for dinner.

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