Saturday, April 21, 2018

Spain - Travel and Day 1- Madrid

I was living in San Diego at the age of 12 and entering 7th grade.  Whoa, time check.  That was 48 years ago.  Michael, are you reading this?  Forty-eight years.  At any rate, I signed up for French class and said I would go there someday.  I have been many places in the world, but this week, that plan made oh so long ago is happening and my sweetheart is taking me to Spain and France for our joint birthday trip.  The AirBNB's for the first and last stops are booked and a rail pass is in hand.  We have a rough outline of where we want to go and as long as the rail strike doesn't get in our way too much, flexibility is the main objective.  We have shopped and read and shopped and read for the past two weeks almost non-stop, then packed up our backpacks (yep, no checked bags) and can now say, "We are ready."  Let's go.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Songkran 2018

Before I start this post, I am going to link to some previous ones in which I have gone into MUCH more detail on this festival.  Please take a minute and click on the links -- you will see amazing pictures and some background info.  One of the two is days with kids, so just scroll down until you come to what you are looking for --- I'm sure you're not that interested in my grands -- hahaha.

Songkran 2014
Songkran 2015

Now, onto this weekend.  We have been at the Arboretum this morning and it's so nice outside that continuing with activities makes complete sense.  We use a different entrance onto the property and spot items not seen before.

Our point of entry leads right into the food court and it is packed.  Mister selects his food quickly but it always takes me a bit longer to check everything out.  I am not near as familiar with Thai food as he is.  One thing that catches my eye is this free herbal drink.  With ginger and lemongrass, my mind thinks it will be good.  It is NOT.  I mean, I could drink it if I had to, but not for fun.  Mister doesn't even care for it.

Dallas Blooms - Part 8

It's a VERY BRISK Sunday morning here in Dallas, but we are keeping the weekend tradition going.  Week 8 of Dallas Blooms is up first today.  Throughout the gardens, there is a new exhibit of kinetic energy art.  I LOVE THEM.  It's about the only kind of yard art I could actually do.  Come along and see the beauty and serenity of the Arboretum.

The weekly picture to see changes.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Red Hatter's in Wylie

After missing last month while I was at retreat, I am excited and ready for a Red Hat Day with the ladies.  Today we are off to Wylie, TX and the Ballard Cafe.

For some reason, I am running late once again.  What is up with me?  I was dressed over an hour and a half ahead of time.  Talking with my sweetie let time run away from me once again.  I really need to set a timer next month.

At any rate, I am here and ready to relax and have some lunch.  Are you hungry?  I sure am.  The table is full but a few openings still exist and I grab one.  Sitting down, I take a deep breath and power down.  Wow.  What a crazy last half hour.  A few quick pictures . . .

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Dallas Blooms - Part 7 - Mister's Pics

Another view through Mister's eye.  Untouched photos that I've stolen to share.

Dallas Blooms - Part 7

As soon as I'm unpacked from retreat, Mister asks if I want to go to the Arboretum.  Hesitating just a wee bit, I agree.  And I am so very glad that that I did.  The minute we round the corner from the entrance, the entire garden is a burst of color.  The azaleas have arrived in full force.  Take a walk with me and enjoy the color.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Where Did The Rain Come From?

It was gorgeous out just a few minutes ago.  We heard rumbling, couldn't see anything dark from the front of the house.  Then BOOM.