Monday, April 13, 2015

Colorado Boys Come To Visit - Days 8 & 9 (Amanda and Trent Join Us)

It is a gorgeous Sunday morning in Dallas.  Simply wonderful.  Today is Songkran Festival in the Thai culture and we are going to go and enjoy the festivities.  (I did a complete post on this last year if you want to read ALL about it -- click HERE.)  Jen and Jon meet up with us as we are parking and we are off for some food, fun, and cultural moments.  As we enter the grounds, many musicians are set up and playing some beautiful music on the most interesting instruments.

It seems like no matter who we bring here, they make a beeline for the koi pond and today is no exception.

It's still quiet and the ceremony for the New Year has not begun yet, so we take advantage of the calm and visit the temple.  Up the stairs we go.  Inside, Mister takes the boys around, showing them the various murals -- we are surrounded by color.  The Buddha statue of gold in the center keeps Caleb's attention.  It is pretty big and shiny.

As Caleb and I leave the temple (he is now bored) we are met outside by the abbot (or senior monk).  He tries to "high five" Caleb but the little man puts his hands behind his back and won't have any part of it.  I ask him to pose for a picture  and this is what I get.  He is not at all thrilled by any of this, although the abbot thinks it is hysterical.  It's time for the procession to begin.

While the monks are blessing the donations, we go around to the back of the building and find some yummy treats.  Slushies and Thai food for Grandpa.  We sit and visit for awhile with Jen and Jon before they have to go and start their journey home.

As they are leaving, we stop at the game booth, where for a $2.00 donation, you can pick a number and receive a prize.  Drumroll please . . . . . Jon wins . . . . razors, toothbrushes, and SOAP!!!  He is sooooo excited.

We say our good-byes and return to the fun.  The parade is going and guess who the boys find?  That's right -- Sparky.  Group picture is now required - actually requested by Sparky.

We grab some more fun items to eat and then wander the grounds a bit before making our own trip to the game tent.  With dollar bills in hand, the boys are able to pick their numbers and see what they win.

First up:  Raef gets a box fan.  Yay!  He is a bit sad that he can't take it home with him on the plane, but giving it to me is a decent second plan.  We are off to a great start.  Can we keep this going?  Or will we be the recipients of bath products as well?

More packages get opened:  soap, pink razors, and toilet paper.  Yep, all necessities.

Then Ryan scores another good one -- well at least Grandpa and I thinks so -- a $25.00 gift certificate at a local Thai restaurant.  Woohoo.

The monks are now being fed and we peek in real quick before heading out for the day.

We have a couple more stops to make before heading home to relax this afternoon.  Yes, quick shot where two of the three must ham it up a bit.

On the way home, we stop at the Farmer's Market real quick, but nothing really interests me today so we walk away empty handed.  Unusual.

Next door is half price books and Amanda gave me money to use on the boys while they were here.  We haven't spent a dime of it yet, so let the stacks begin.  It doesn't take long and everyone has treasures in their arms and are ready to check out.  Grandpa has the stack as we walk about of the store.

It's movie and quiet time.  Treats and movies -- what could be better in the afternoon?

Once the movie is over, Grandpa gets out the Monster book and helps Ryan create his very own monster.  Yep, cos we are just that cool as grandparents.  Another day is in the books.  Amanda and Trent arrive LATE tonight so the boys are excited to see mom and dad in the morning.  Sweet dreams all.

It is POURING rain this morning -- Ryan has taken up a spot on the porch to watch and enjoy the cooler temperature.  It won't last long.

Soon, their dad and mom are awake and ready to hear all about their week and play together for awhile.  Grandpa is off to work and concentrate on feeding everyone and figuring out where to go today.

We are off to the Perot Museum for the day.  Once downtown and parked, we cross the busy road and enter a packed arena of fun.  Apparently everyone else thinks this is a good idea today too.  There are so many fun areas to check out and play in.  We start in the "little people" area for Caleb and the older boys join in the fun as well.

One area has a camping section and the boys settle in, preparing food fit for a king.  There are wild animals to deal with and of course a scavenger hunt to find other insects and creatures of the forest.  Caleb takes over as cook and soon prepares a meal for all of us.  (Some people cheat and hide their food instead of eating it -- naughty family.)

Our next stop is in the sports room and the races are on!  Dad and Caleb against a T-Rex.  It sure looks like the T-Rex is ahead.  Then Caleb and Raef take on an Olympic sprinter while Mom cheers them on.

Ryan is sure that he can win so he is in position and everything.  Counting down - six,  . . .

Now to head to the top of the building.  Great shot of downtown.

This level is the prehistoric section and for some reason I have NEVER noticed the giant turtle before.  What is up with that?

The size of everything is just fascinating to me and Raef gives an example with his hand.  Goodness but we are tiny in the big scheme of things.

I locate a big screen that allows one to become the eagle and fly through a canyon.  In no time, each of my grandsons takes a turn to see how well they can do.  Smiles everywhere.

What a fun time.  We say good-bye to the dinosaurs and head for an earthquake simulator.  Caleb hangs on for dear life on the most severe level.  I remember earthquakes as a youth in California.  These are pretty dang realistic.

More areas to explore - and a fun video

It's time to go and meet Grandpa for dinner.  We are off to Chuy's per a request by Trent.  Mexican it is tonight.

After a great meal, we make a stop at the barber shop for haircuts for Ryan and Caleb while Grandpa and Raef head home to play.

Caleb's cut is quite noticeable, but Ryan just gets his trimmed up.  He is not particularly happy about the whole thing.

On the way home, I drop Trent, Amanda, Ryan, and Caleb off at the lake for a quick, cool walk.  I then drive to the other end of the bridge to meet up, walk for awhile, and then head home to find Grandpa and Raef busily creating with the science kit.

Grandpa spends a bit of time with Ryan as well before the clock tells us that the evening is coming to an end and people need to head to bed.  EVERYONE is tired and the house is all quiet (except for snoring) by 10:00.  What a lively group we are.  See ya tomorrow.

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