Thursday, April 9, 2015

Colorado Boys Come to Visit - Days 4 & 5

Another day in Camp Gammy.  We start out the day with Legos.  What else?  Yes, they have overtaken my dining room.  Do we need a table?  Heck no.

We are off to the Aquarium today.  It's another DART day and after our train ride, we mosey on down to the acquarium via the lagoon.  There is so much to see and do here that it is possible to get lost and just enjoy these activities.

TURTLES!!!  I could not be happier.  They are out and about everywhere today.  What fun.  The boys are running amok and all I can do is look at the turtles.  Hmmn.  Perhaps the camera should point the boys direction.  Sure wish the swan boats were running today.  Looks like fun.

We play and play and play along the route to the aquarium.  It's monkey see, monkey do all the time.  They are having such a great time.  This area is just oh so much fun.  Please don't fall into the water Caleb.

We are almost to our destination.  Woohoo.  I am excited and know the boys are as well.  When we arrive, the first spot they zoom to is the touch tank.  It's just so much fun to learn about these wonderful creatures and touch, touch, touch.

Now, for the piece de resistance:  the stingrays.  The smiles say it all.

All around the tank having a great time.

Group photo and yes, the stingray helps out.  Smile everyone!!

When we finish, the boys are not quite ready to head home so we head over to the Discovery Gardens and Butterfly House.  Yay -- I love this place and rarely get to go.  The butterflies are everywhere and one has to be careful so as not to step on one.

Ryan decides that he wants one to land on him so he strikes a pose and holds it FOREVER -- until a little girl comes along and copies him.  Then he calls it good.

Out in the gardens we find a resting spot that is just perfect.

Are you ready to fly Caleb?

And, of course, a fountain that requires silliness.

And we are exhausted!  It is definitely time to head home for some down time.  Boys are falling over at every opportunity.  What a great day.  It's time for a movie, naps, and some fun with Grandpa this evening.  Bye for now.

It's another beautiful day and time to get out of the house again.  Mister is working from home today so we have the car and are off to the DMA for the morning.

We park and start our trek.  First stop, the mural and then over to Klyde Warren to get the wiggles out before we go into the museum.  For some reason, that always seems to be a good idea.

Inside we go and make our way to the Creative Connections area.  All of my grands adore this area and there is something for every age to do.  That makes it wonderful for Gammy's too.  Caleb takes over the Lego area (cos we don't have any of these at home) and the boys are off to create some magic out of the given supplies.

I love this time at the museum.  The boys are so quiet and friendly to to others, sharing their supplies and working together to see what can be created.  Smiles on all levels so I think we have accomplished our goals.

Raef asks to see some of the art before we leave and is especially interested in a Picasso.  We hunt one down for him to have his picture taken with.  LOVE that he likes Picasso.  We stop in at several of the exhibits.  Yes, even Gammy thinks some of them are a bit strange.

We do spot this next one though and feel as though it is perfect for my two little monkeys.

It's time to head home.  I'm beat.  We have to be super quiet once we are home since Grandpa is working so I take out a craft project that I picked up earlier.  I have cereal bowls for everyone to color and then we will bake them up.  Sure hope it works.

Here is a before picture of Raef's monkey and bananas.  You will see in the after picture that for some reason his bananas didn't stay yellow.  Hmmmm.  I have absolutely no idea why this happened.

Let's go outside and play for awhile --- I know where there is some chalk.

And footballs --- I think?  although I don't see any.

Once Grandpa finishes his calls and work for the day, we walk over to the school playground for a little running and playing.  Not us -- them.  Grandpa has had a very hard day.  Can't you tell?

Soon, everyone is ready for dinner and back to the house we go.  With dinner in our bellies, there is only one thing left to do:  ICE CREAM!

Another great day is in the books.  Whew.  Time for some sleep.

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