Saturday, April 11, 2015

Destination Imagination with Jon and Jacob

I have escaped from the house and three grandsons to go and watch two grandsons with their Destination Imagination presentations at the state competition here in Dallas.  It is such a great group of kids to be around --- always creating and coming up with ideas.

Jon's group presents first and he has built a Crab robot as part of their skit.  I love the flag from Brazil as well.

Soon, the stage is set up and ready to go.

And action!  It's pretty fun how the sun moves as well as the waves.  A lot of work went into this --- yep, that's Jon -- behind the newspaper -- controlling the crab and speaking for him.  Good job.  Nice presentation.

Jen and I find some fun hats for an upcoming retreat and soon it is hats all around.

Next it is Jacob's turn for his team to present their skit.  Let the set up begin.

Again, well done and fun to watch.  This one had a definite Asian theme going on.  These kids are remarkable.  The backdrop wall has at least three different scenes and changes throughout the skit.  Cool.

Once the skits are over, I have to head back to the house and rescue Grandpa from three little boys.  That's a joke y'all.  He does wonderful with all the grands and loves every minute with them.  Thanks Jen, Jon, and Jacob for a fun morning.

The tiger hat is back.  I think I saw a ton of that in Washington D.C.

New fads --- I know my parents and grandparents thought I was crazy too.

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