Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Colorado Boys Come To Visit - Day 10 & Good-byes

It's our last day together and I'm pretty dang sad about it.  The house has been filled with giggles and adventures for 10 days.  Now, admittedly, I have missed sewing but these guys have been well worth it.  We have a few items on our list that are not checked off and that must be done -- right?  Cookies!  We haven't made cookies yet.  Where did the time go?

Ryan, Caleb and I head to the kitchen first thing and get our cookies underway before anyone else is ready to go somewhere.

We are doing sugar cookies, the dough is made, and it is time to roll.  Fortunately, I have two rolling pins.  Yep, good Gammy.  I pull out some cookie cutters that are pretty basic and away we go.  It takes a few minutes to explain that we can't just cut circle after circle in the same cookie.

Now, let the creativity begin!  Within no time, Ryan is attempting a banana shaped cookie.  I hope it all goes well in the baking stage.  Meanwhile, Caleb is just packing in as many shapes as he can onto his dough.  Let's bust these out Gammy.  He's not incredibly particular about the shape either.

The first batch goes into the oven, a cookie is grabbed, frosting is spread, sprinkles are applied, and into the mouth it goes.  Isn't this what it is all about?

Ryan's banana has turned out pretty dang cute.

We keep going until all the cookies are complete, more than a few have been eaten and there are sprinkles EVERYWHERE.  Now Mom and Dad MUST eat at least one a piece.  One that is REALLY covered with icing, of course.  Yum -- good breakfast.

It's time to get dressed and well --- feed the birds --  big old chunks of bread, pancake, whatever is leftover in the house.  They get a treat today.  Now, to get going so Grandpa can work in peace.

Everyone is ready to get out of the house for awhile so we are off to the Children's Garden at the Arboretum.  Running and playing seems to be in order.  For adults too, it seems.

The gardens are always full of things to do -- creativity to let loose --- and lessons to be learned about the world we live in.

The boys find a spot we have never been to and discover a puppet show theater complete with puppets.  They then proceed to give us a most delightful show.  Oh, how wonderful is this?  I have giggled and smiled the entire time.  Sometimes little heads pop up and become part of the show as well.  Pure delight.  Onto the water ---- fun, fun, fun.

Puzzles that teach about the continental movement, games that let us know about water evaporation, and beauty all around us.  I would be terribly remiss if I didn't show at least a touch of the natural beauty.  Dallas is blooming and it is so pretty to see.  As I look down, a bed of white flowers meet my eye.  Gorgeous.

We are winding our way back up and towards the entrance of the garden.  There is still so much to see though and here we have learned about the drawings in caves before moving on to how see things through a bug's eye.  What a different world it is for them.

Dad and Raef follow and read the circle of life.

It's time for a little fun in the vegetable garden area.  I LOVE this part.  Having had gardens all my life, I still get a thrill from watching something push it's way through the soil and create and edible delight.

Look!  An artichoke.  That is a first for me.  I have never seen one growing -- I didn't realize how they grew.  Yay --- I learned something new today too.  The boys are soon gone and rolling down the hill while Mom and Dad grab a seat to watch.  Ah, one of the joys of parenthood.  Just watching.  It almost always brings a smile to one's face.  Cheap entertainment.

My boys!  One quick picture together.

We pick up Grandpa and are off towards Arlington.  Tonight is RANGER night!  Woohoo.  We have tickets to the game and I am stoked.  Gotta say -- LOVE baseball.  First stop though is for dinner and since Ryan wants chicken wings, it's gonna be chicken wings.  BBW here we come.

Wanting to get ahead of the traffic, we are off to the stadium a bit early and find our seats.  We ware WAY up there, but that's okay.  I can see the whole field easily and don't feel closed in.  Time for a few pictures.

The boys go down to the rail with Grandpa to talk about the field and where to watch for certain information.  As you can tell, it is opening week here at Ranger Stadium and the weather has been iffy at best.  Hopefully it will stay nice for tonight's game.

It is a wonderful night!  The Rangers win and even though we leave a bit early and upset Ryan, it has still be a great evening.  Thanks Grandpa, we appreciate you.

As we say good night -- I'm having a hard time letting go of these precious grands.  Dang -- I sure wish we lived closer.

The next morning is a VERY early one and Grandpa is up helping boys get ready, then climb back into bed with me.  How fun is this?  One last moment together.  Oh, be safe y'all.  I'll meet you in Montana in June.

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