Saturday, April 11, 2015

Colorado Boys Come to Visit - Days 6 & 7

It's an early day today.  We have a VERY full day in store and are excited to get it started.  The DART bus picks us up at home and we are off to the train.  At Union Station, we leave the light train and run to a much larger one.  The TRE is sitting there waiting for us and we grab upper level seats, complete with a table for playing games during our trip to Fort Worth.  Cards and cars make appearances as we pass the time.  It's not too crowded on the train so the boys can visit and play without disturbing too many people.  

It's a great time and we arrive in Fort Worth to discover that it is a bit cooler here and we have just missed our bus.  We now have to wait 15 minutes for the next one.  Right about now they are all wishing they had listened to me and brought jackets but when told that they would have to tie them around their waists because I can't carry EVERYTHING - they chose to go without.  They start killing time by hunching down as close to the ground as they can get and pulling all extremities into their shirts.  Yep, it's chilly out (not COLD, just a bit chilly) and I thought these guys were from the Colorado mountains -- this should still feel warm to them.  Laughing hard, I finally take a video of these nuts.

Our bus arrives and we are soon taken to the Fort Worth Science Museum for a day of fun.  Oh, the things we can do.  Ryan displays his talent at making shadow puppets while Raef takes on the giant Lite-Brite (one of my favorite things here).  I think I once spent almost an hour playing with this when Grandpa and I visited here without children.  The light room is a great place --- so many ways to play with magical light.

Each room is filled with  new adventures to discover.  The boys agree to let Caleb head to the smaller people's room and find that there are doors leading outside from there.  They are gone in a flash, leaving Caleb to his trains.  I am now running back and forth trying to snap pictures.  Yes, running!  This old woman is getting out of breath.

Inside, Caleb is having troubles with a little girl who wants his trains and outside, water guns have been discovered.  It doesn't take my little guy too long to give up on the lost trains and find a water gun himself.  Gotta love the resilience of kids.

Raef and Ryan have now moved into building mode.  Yep --- it's time for a fort.  They have all the pieces to themselves for awhile and manage to get the foundation started before help arrives in the form of  . . . . a little girl - yep same girl.  They boys are wonderful with her and finish their fort, making it large enough for all.

It's time to go back inside and play in the dinosaur area.  My, those are big feet you have Caleb.  We head back outside to the dino-dig and although it takes awhile to settle on a spot to dig, the boys are soon working together to see what they can unearth.  It is now warming up nicely outside and I'm ready to go back inside.  Let's find another room.  Ah yes, wind.

Back to the original area we started in, we discover plastic cups.  Yep, ordinary plastic cups.  Great tool and never played with at home.  Why is that?  It's time to stack.  We have had a snack but I'm hungry and we saw a Subway back down at the bus station.  Time to go.  But wait -- one last good-bye to the T-Rex.

We have to walk down to the bus stop and everyone takes off running.  Somehow --- It's still fuzzy to me -- Ryan literally goes airborne and comes down hard just a few feet from the benches.  The boys settle in to wait while I check Ryan out.  No obvious permanent damage. Whew.

We get down to the train/bus station, have lunch and still have some time before the train arrives.  The water gardens are just around the corner, let's go.  I gotta say --- I LOVE this place and Raef remembers being here, but not Ryan and it's all new to Caleb.

Okay, we only have time for a quick stop.  Gotta train to catch.

Uh oh.  Gammy miscalculated and we are back too early.  Now we have to wait 10 minutes.  We find a place to sit down and out come the cars.  The quiet is soon replaced with the toot of the train horn.  Time to go.  We are only going a short distance and then meeting Grandpa for the next part of our adventurous day.

Grandpa is there right on time and we are soon in the car and headed to Great-Grandma's for some fun.  When we arrive, Grandpa notices that the news is saying that "Katie is in labor."  Well, we have been watching the zoo cam all week waiting for Katie the giraffe to have her baby.  It's time and we all settle in to watch.  No one moves for 55 minutes!  The excitement in the boys is palpable.  I love it and even Grandma has to sit and watch.  Once the baby arrives, it's jumping in the air and exclamations of "the baby is finally here."  This has been perhaps one of the choicest moments for me as a grandmother.  To be able to share this with the boys and answer their questions was sublime.  Way cool.  Now -- why were we here?  Oh yeah -- to swim of course.  This time I opt to stay with Mom H and let Grandpa have all the fun.  Besides, I want to see that giraffe take it's first steps.

I do come down for some pictures though.  One of the ladies in the hall (yep, these boys are a major attraction for the residents) comments to me that my sweet husband is oh so patient with his grandchildren.  Yep, he sure is.  They are having such fun and MUST show me what they can do.  Cries of "look Gammy" can be heard around the pool.

They have been in the pool for over an hour and show no signs of stopping.  Grandpa is just the best person there is.  I don't think they like him much.  Soon, Caleb is ready to leave the pool on a potty run but doesn't want to get back in so we go back up to the room and spend some time with G-Grandma.  He has lots of questions on the wrappings on her hands and feet but is satisfied with the answers and they just enjoy each other until it is time to go.

Our last stop of the day and IT IS LATE.  Dinner anyone?  My first trip to In-N-Out Burger.  I gotta say -- economical and the fries are wonderful.

Whew, this has certainly been a fun-packed day.  I'm beat and the boys are too.  Everyone is ready for bed.

See y'all tomorrow.

I am off this morning to watch Jon and Jacob compete in Destination Imagination and am leaving the "boys" on their own.  They and Grandpa decide to just hang around the house and Ryan helps out by filling my new container with the retreat charms.  What a super nice thing to do for Gammy.

Toys and play time take up the remainder of the morning.

It's pretty laid back and when I arrive back home, it's movie time and THEN they are ready to leave the house.

The request has been made by Ryan EVERYDAY to go roller skating.  Today we are going to honor that request.  It's pretty slow going for Caleb, bus as soon as he figures out that the carpet is much easier to learn on, he is off and trying - with me shadowing him.  We find a fun mirror and he is just cracking up at my head/hair.  It must be a mile high in this dang thing.  We have these short little bodies and long skinny heads --- very funny.

Smiles all around.

A few last tries with Grandpa to get up some speed and then we are ready to go.  Wow -- another day is gone.  Oh, they are going so fast.  Drat.

Jen is staying in Dallas tonight but is tied up with group activities for the boys.  I think we are going to meet up tomorrow morning for some fun at the Buddhist temple.

I am ready for bed.  Night.

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