Saturday, May 27, 2017

It's Party Time -- Bekah's Graduation

We have spent the night in Abilene in order to help with the party preparations today.  One of the things Jen is doing for it is showing Bekah through the years.  I have to stand and thoroughly enjoy each and every one of them as I make my way down the hall.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Congrats Bekah -- First Grandchild to Graduate HIgh School

All the bags are packed, we're ready to go . .  . .   Well alright.  We are not leaving on a jet plane, but we are jetting out of here, dishes and all.  It's getting late and we have a graduation tonight that I just can't miss.  Everything is loaded and we are outta here.  First stop for gas and to check the tires.  Now let's go.

Wait -- what the heck.  The car won't start. Perfect. A few phone calls later and we have a two truck, a rental car AND the car is going to be serviced.  Wow.  Within an hour, we are reloaded and back on the road.  No stops -- let's get to Abilene.

There's at least on more hiccup on the way for us -- yay, more money -- but we do finally get to Jen's house.  Upon our arrival it appears that Bekah is attempting to get some grease out of her graduation gown. Last minute disasters all around.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

We Found Vienna Beef Hot Dogs!!!

Ever since our local little hot dog joint closed down, Mister and I have not found Vienna Beef hot dogs anywhere close.  Today, after getting a new battery for our car at Sears, we stopped at Lowe's in Richardson and lo and behold -- there it was.  Pure joy.  Of course we imbibed.  And we'll return.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

An Evening Above Dallas

Our friends, Lisa and Eric, have just moved into a high rise in downtown Dallas and are having a housewarming/Lisa birthday party.  It's time to relax a bit.

We take the DART down and upon our arrival, the sun is just setting and the view from their balcony is magnificent to say the least.  Take a peek.

My First Red Hat Adventure!

Do you remember thinking that certain things belong to older women?  For me, the color purple was one of those things.  Yep.  All things purple were for little girls and older women and I certainly did not put myself into either of those categories.  Period.

I remember the "purple passion pit" bedroom in the house that was bought in '92 - purple walls, drapes and carpet.  Oh my.  It had to go immediately.  I didn't own a single purple article of clothing nor was there anything of that color in my house.  Seriously.  I literally ran from all things carrying anything remotely close to -shhhh - purple.  Have I made myself clear?

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Birthday SEASON

Ooooh!  The Birthday Season has begun.  Woohoo.  I so love that my sweet man brought this tradition into my life.  Although he makes me feel special every day of our lives, this "season" is just so fun to look forward to.  Today is April 25th and a card with roses arrived for me to enjoy.  PERFECT!

28th - I was treated to a play at the Second Though Theatre tonight.  It started out a bit strange, to say the least, and I resorted to ear plugs during this time to save my pour ears from the LOUD music, once the play started I really enjoyed it and both Mister and I found ourselves laughing pretty hard several times.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

HIPPOS at the Zoo - And Other Fun Too

The Hippos are here!  The Hippos are here!  I'm like a child chanting this.  We've been watching and waiting for today.  Well, the exhibit actually opened yesterday and the hippos have actually been in Dallas for a couple of months BUT today is the day for us.  We are there when they open and are gifted two squishy hippos and three sets of trading cards for the grands.  First come, first served.

As we make a beeline straight to the Hippo Outpost, we discover the new National Geographic PhotoArk by Joel Sartore.  With all of the animals in the world, two of the pictures touch our hearts.