Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Fall Break - Day One

It's been awhile since Mister and I ran away for a few days.  We've been talking about it and are finally just getting in the car and heading west.  It's Election Day and for the first time I can remember, I would really rather be away from everyone tonight.  I don't see anything wonderful happening no matter which party wins and I foresee hate coming from the losers.  Period.  It's best just to not be here or anywhere other than out in the country where only the birds and other creatures can yell.  Perhaps we will find some calm there.  We leave home around 4pm and obviously hit traffic big time.  I thought everyone would be out voting.  Ugh.  Our destination for tonight is somewhere near Abilene and as we drive, I give Jen a call, but she is still on the road returning from San Antonio with the high school band.  I guess we keep going.  After stopping for gas and a bite to eat, we enter Big Spring and I give my friend, Kelly (in Midland) a call and plan to meet up in the morning for coffee and a visit.  Time for sleep.  We have 5 hours under our belt and that is a good start on crossing Texas.  This is a dang big state, you know.  (Fancy motel stop - yep keeping it classy.)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Korean Kimchi - A Primer by Mister

Kimchi anyone? I've been wanting to try this Korean kimchi kit since getting it as a gift. Lets see how this goes.

Mis en place:

Chile pepper flakes (gochugaru)
Korean fish sauce (aekjeot)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Autumn Soup!!!! Comfort Food At It's Best

It's November.  I know you likely already knew that but for me that means it is finally Autumn in Texas.  The trees will turn colors this month and the temperature will drop.  My absolute favorite season is upon us.  What better way to start the month off than with a nice pot of Autumn Soup.

I found this recipe when my children were quite small and it has been a stand-by ever since.   The ingredients are always on hand and it takes mere minutes to prep.  Shall we get started?

You will need one cup of chopped onion, 1 cup cut-up carrots, and 1 cup of diced celery.  Also 1 cup cubed pared potatoes.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Autumn in Utah - Round 2 - Day 5 and Travel Home

It is basically my last day here as I am traveling tomorrow and we are going to spend it at Cornbelly's.  Everyone gets up early and after dropping Ava with Grandma for the day (she's coming down with a cold), we are determined to arrive by the time it opens, thinking there won't be as many people there as it is a school day.  We did NOT count on the BUSSES that have arrived.  Oh well.  The place is huge and it's time for fun.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Autumn in Utah - Round 2 - Days 3 & 4

It's another gorgeous day in Provo.  I'm up, dressed and ready for a new adventure.  Once the girls are fed and dressed, I take over to give Cassie a chance to shower and get ready.

The agenda for today includes a trip to the Witches Festival at Gardner Village.  We went here last year and had such a good time that it's a repeat.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Autumn in Utah - Round 2 - Days 1 & 2

Yes!  I am heading back to Utah for some fun and games with Miss O, Miss A, and Cassie.  Color me excited.  And speaking of color, I have some time at the airport this morning to watch the sunrise.  I'll admit, it took me a bit of time to find a spot in which I could view it and the sun was already partially up, but it was worth the effort.  An uneventful flight (aren't they the best kind?) to Salt Lake and I'm soon in the car with my girls.

Even Ava has opened her eyes to say hello.  Talk about cute.  Ophelia is full of things to say and I love the eagerness to see me.  I have missed her a ton.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Jen is 40 - Off to Abilene

My daughter is 40 today.  How on earth did that happen?  Oh goodness, if I didn't feel old before, I certainly do now.  She's a very lively and busy 40 though and I'm so proud of who she is and all that she does.  She is an amazing mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend.  I learn from her constantly and am so glad I do.  She has been with me through thick and thin over the years and I would never ever dream of a life without her in it.  She truly does make me a better person and always has.  As a result, we are in the car headed for Abilene to celebrate her day.  I have no idea what the plans are since hubby is in charge, but off we go anyway.  Louis arrives shortly after us, with ice cream cakes in hand.