Thursday, October 27, 2016

Autumn in Utah - Round 2 - Days 3 & 4

It's another gorgeous day in Provo.  I'm up, dressed and ready for a new adventure.  Once the girls are fed and dressed, I take over to give Cassie a chance to shower and get ready.

The agenda for today includes a trip to the Witches Festival at Gardner Village.  We went here last year and had such a good time that it's a repeat.

You see, Cass and I may remember it all, but there not a chance that Ophelia does and well, Ava is along for the ride.

Everywhere we look, something has been decorated, but sometimes the simpler things in life are pretty cool too.  Ducks, simply ducks.

Now, the other direction, on the other hand, has a floating witch.

There is an old covered bridge here that I absolutely adore.  It takes me back to New England and with all the fall colors around me, well --- sigh.

Cassie spots something and takes O down to sit on a bench and check it out.

Ava and I stand back and try to listen her big sister's little voice telling all about what she sees.  By the time I get my camera out -- attention span finished.  This witch just wasn't doing ENOUGH.

And this witch must have not been looking where she was going.

We arrive at the play area and are greeted by a super pretty, friendly witch.

Oh is okay as long as mom is holding her but when put down, she takes a few steps back as though she is just not sure at all.

Okay, enough with the witches --- let's play.  It's time to climb, and crawl, and bury, and jump, and whatever else comes our way.

I love how if a child sees an adult do something, it makes it all the easier for them to do it as well.  Mom didn't get swallowed up so it must be safe for kids too.  Cassie makes a corn angel and so O wants to try too.

She lays down in the corn kernels and but doesn't quite get the hang of moving her arms and legs.  Laying is good enough Gammy.

There is a maze to tackle next.  Mom followed her until she wanted to crawl under the bridge I was standing on.  Then she was on her own.

 Next -- we have stayed away from the bouncing bubble as long as we could.  It's time to let her see it.  Last year this was the ONLY thing she wanted to do and she cried like crazy when she had to stop.

As luck would have it, there are not hardly any kids here today and she pretty much has the entire thing to herself.  She is also able to stay on as long as she wants.  BONUS.

And just where is Ava during all of this?  Fast asleep in the stroller, of course.

After the bubble, it's lunch and nap time so reluctantly Ophelia says good-bye and we are soon on our way.  I put my camera away at this point and we just relaxed the evening away.  Again, I am beat and heading for bed before Ophelia.  In all fairness, she stays up late and I get up much earlier.  See ya tomorrow.

Mornings with little ones are the bestest ever.

I am so blessed to have both these sweeties to play with and watch grow and change every minute right in front of my eyes.  Ava has decided to chat with me today and I adore that her little hands are involved in the discussion.

Today's a stay at home day.  We are going to bake cookies while Ava is napping.  Sugar cookies to be precise and it's time to get them started.  Oh, when I said "we", I meant O, of course, and maybe her momma.

Once the ingredients are all in the bowl, what comes next?  Well, mixing of course.  However, there is a baby sleeping in the house so not a chance of turning a mixer on.  What to do, what to do?

Cassie, always on top of things, just moves the operation to the garage.

After mixing, the dough has to chill for awhile and at this point O decides to use the chalkboard.  It's a mess though so needs to be cleaned and that leads to cleaning the chalk flash cards as well.

Fortunately, she doesn't mind and then has a chance to work on her letters with mom.

Watching her with wonder is my favorite activity while here.  So stinkin' smart.

Back to cookies.  They need to be rolled, cut, baked, and have icing made.  Roll, roll, roll, cut out and just throw it onto the tray, repeat.  Make icing while they bake and well, yes --- lick the beaters.  That's what makes the work all worthwhile, right?

Now to ice (or frost) the cookies.  We need much less clothing for this project AND the entire table.

I mix up some orange for the pumpkins and then O tells me that she wants pink and blue pumpkins.  Well, alrighty then.  Pink and blue it is.  Some green for leaves and we are on our way.  O gets to frost all the pink and blue ones.  I work on the orange ones, and Cassie adds all the green leaves and stems.  It's a pretty good system and nets us PLATES full of cookies to deliver to friends in the area.

In the evening, O and Daddy take all the cookies around making deliveries.  Now THAT'S cool.

Another day has come to an end but we had such fun.  Looking for some sleep.  Why am I so tired on this trip?  I even ask Mister that before closing my eyes.  Tomorrow is another day.

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