Sunday, October 23, 2016

Jen is 40 - Off to Abilene

My daughter is 40 today.  How on earth did that happen?  Oh goodness, if I didn't feel old before, I certainly do now.  She's a very lively and busy 40 though and I'm so proud of who she is and all that she does.  She is an amazing mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend.  I learn from her constantly and am so glad I do.  She has been with me through thick and thin over the years and I would never ever dream of a life without her in it.  She truly does make me a better person and always has.  As a result, we are in the car headed for Abilene to celebrate her day.  I have no idea what the plans are since hubby is in charge, but off we go anyway.  Louis arrives shortly after us, with ice cream cakes in hand.

I take a few minutes to check out Jen's baby grand that she got this fall.  Isn't it dreamy?  Oh I always wanted one so bad.  I used to beg quite often but it fell on deaf ears.

I ask about lunch but there aren't any plans and it's gettin' late in the day.  I must eat.  Mister and I gather everyone up for a late lunch/early dinner out at the local hamburger joint.  These burgers are dang big and we manage to fill everyone up.  Including me.

Confession time.  I was not exactly a nice person on the drive over here.  I'm not sure just what set me off but I notice this sign hanging behind me at the restaurant and point it out to Mister.  It is exactly what is needed for me to reevaluate my behavior.  So very sorry.

Once back at the house, it is cake time.

Now for the yummy deliciousness that is a Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake.  Seriously.  I became a fan when I had to make them while managing a DQ and not another one has taken it's place with me since.  Dang good.

You think I'm joking?  The vanilla ice cream, with a chocolate fudge filling and a cookie base.  Oh my.

Just look.

Okay, okay back to the birthday.  I gave Jen half the cost of a quilt retreat as a gift and she has this really big box from her sweetie.  I wonder what it could be.

Oh cool, an ice maker.  Goodness, my past keeps coming back today.  I USED to chew ice like no tomorrow.  My teeth can't take it anymore so I had to give it up, but I used to ask for one of these too.  Again, no takers.

At this point, Bekah asks if I will highlight her hair.  I look at Mister to see if we have time and we decide to give it a go.  While I pull hair through the cap, Jen has students work that needs to be corrected.  Well, many hands make light work.  All adults are put to work.

As I finish getting Bekah's hair into the cap, the missionaries come by for a farewell picture as one of them is being transferred out.  YEP, her hair is all in a highlighting cap and covered with a hat for this.  Timing is EVERYTHING for teenage girls.

At this point, the family wants to spend some time with the missionaries and I acknowledge that I won't get back to her hair for awhile.  Jen is going to have to finish up as we need to get back on the road to Dallas.  Mister has to work tomorrow and that means he doesn't want to be up so late traveling.

It's been a fun day and we need to do this way more often.  On the way home, we are blessed with an amazing sunset to end everything perfectly.  Truly a great day.

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