Sunday, October 2, 2016

Cottonwood Art Festival

Twice a year the Cottonwood Art Festival takes place and for the past couple of years it seems as though I am always out of town.  Not this year though.  Mister agrees to a morning adventure and off we go.  It's a beautiful day outside -- perfect for a festival.  Upon our arrival, we find some coffee and sit down to listen to some music and enjoy the atmosphere.  It's so fun to people watch and there is an older couple who keeps dancing off to one side.  It's absolutely wonderful.

Okay, it's time to wander the tents and check out the art on display.  Most vendors ask not to take pictures and I am honoring that until I come to this one painting.  It is by Pam Spika of Parker, Colorado and I ask permission for a photo.  Wouldn't this make such a lovely quilt?

After roaming the tents, having a BBQ lunch, and just thoroughly enjoying the day, it is time to depart.  We parked on a side street across the park so it's a bit of a walk, BUT a very nice walk along the creek.  Today, the waterfowl agrees on how nice out it is and they are in abundance.  These Canadian Geese remind me of Montana.

Look how majestic this one is.  He/she sees me but won't break pose.  "I'm just gonna stand here in the water and maybe she won't see me."

Some mallards to add to my homesickness.

And then, a little (yes very little), but most excellent surprise.  Ah, my heart.

Now, that's a great way to end the day.  See ya'll around.

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