Monday, September 5, 2016

Utah and Ava's Blessing - Days 4, 5, 6

3rd - I am the first one up today -- yes, that's what happens when you go to bed super early.  Sneaking out of the house, I wander down the street a bit and try to catch the sunrise.    It's going to be spectacular.

A few minutes later and a slightly different angle.

Moving right along.  So inspiring.

Ah, what a beautiful start to the day.  Now, back into the house, get dressed (yes I was walking in my jammies), and see what's up in the house.

Ophelia is quietly watching a show but when she spots me, it's time for blocks.  We have a system now and she first puts the quilt down, then finds a book to stack the blocks on, and finally brings the blocks and empties them in front of me.  Yes, in that order and EVERY time we play.

Oh look Gammy. See what I built. (Oh and take a picture fast cos I want so very much to knock it down.)

Mommy has finished nursing Ava and that means Gammy gets a chance to hold her while she sleeps.  I am NOT turning this down and head out to the swing in the back so that she sleeps well.

The next time I see Miss O she is happily painting away.  No, she is not painting the table.  She is super careful with whatever she is given and ALWAYS dresses for the occasion.

4th  I have no idea where the rest of yesterday went.  Well, I do know but it was just spent playing and the camera didn't come along.  That, and we made a headband for Ava.  Today is a new day.  We start out saying good morning in the living room where Oph is watching a show and having some juice while Mommy feeds Ava.  It's blessing day.

I have brought the blessing quilt for this wonderful event and have also made a soft white afghan (no lie - i just finished it here yesterday).

Oh yeah - and here's a pic of yesterday's headband finish.  First time for one of these.

I want to get a picture of Ophelia's bedroom before I leave and now is the time.  She has her quilt that I made for her "big girl bed."  Looks like I could have made it a bit bigger.

Okay, where is the star for today.  It is her big day for sure.  She currently has smiles all around.  Do we think those will last.  Fingers are crossed.

Time for baths.

She is super happy while eating and really just wants to play with mom.

Everyone is clean and just finishing up before getting dressed for church.

 Once Mom has Ava ready, I take over with her and off she goes with Ophelia.

I also take advantage of the moment to try and get a picture of me and Oph.  Granted it's not the best we've done, but at least I have one to take with me.

Ava is as ready as she's gonna be - well except for her headband which we will add later.

It's time for church and I'm being very naughty.  I want a picture of Ava in her headband so I sneak one, hoping not too many people notice.

Also, Oph is busy playing with her quiet book and I want that picture too.  Both warm my heart as I put so much love into the things I make for my grands.  To see them actually used is the best feeling ever.

The blessing goes beautifully and Cassie records it so that Ava can hear it one day.  Ava does super good -- all in all - awesome event.  Church ends and we are off to Scott's parents house for a family meal.  Time for pictures although Oph has already changed.

While everyone else is inside, Oph really doesn't want to be.  I offer to stay out with her awhile and just run and play.  We talk about crunchy leaves and see if we can find the crunchiest one.

Upon our return to the house, I find Ava and take her for myself for awhile.  I am leaving tomorrow and want as many snuggles between now and then as I can get.  This is how I spend the remainder of the day.  Holding her and listening to the conversation in the room.  It continues even after we are home.  Oh please don't grow up before I get back.

5th - Well, that's it.  My trip has come to an end and I am off to the airport bright and early.  Saying good-bye gets harder each time, but I am hopeful that it won't take too long for a return trip.  Until then --- see ya later Utah.

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