Friday, September 2, 2016

Utah and Ava's Blessing - Days 1, 2, 3

8/31 - It's time to fly again.  Miss Ava is being blessed and I wouldn't miss that for anything.  I am, therefore, off to Provo for a few days with the Ashton's.  I am picked up at the airport bright and early by Scott's dad, Paul and dropped off a bit later at the house.  Cassie has not really been out since Ava was born and this would have been a bit of a long drive for her.  Once I'm at the house, Miss Ophelia and Miss Ava await and I am thrilled to get a few minutes with each of them.  Ahhhh, baby smell -- the best.  (I'm looking old.)

Later that morning, since there are two of us here now, we pack up the girls and head for the grocery store.  It's time to start back into life again.

I'm thinking that Ava could care less where we are going as long as she gets to sleep.  Ophelia, on the other hand, is excited.

She is telling me all about the grocery store and how she gets balloons and suckers there.  Well, dang anything to make shopping with kids easier.  Once we arrive, she soon has one of the car carts located and has settled in.  Look out everyone, Hollywood is on the premises.

With groceries in hand, it's back to the house for some lunch and naps.  All three of them are tired and that's to be expected.  While Oph is having lunch I tell her to stick out her tongue for me as I have noticed that her lollipop colored it quite nicely.  Nap time.

For the evening, we are going to go and get peach shakes and french fries.  Oh so yummy.  Once again everyone is packed up and away we go.  It's a bit more challenging with two kids but the only one who seems stressed by it is Cassie.  You can do this, my darling daughter.  Honest.

My friend, Janet, has told me that I need to try the fries DIPPED in the peach shake.  Alrighty then.  I am always eager to attempt something new -- well almost always.  Oh my goodness, this is so yummy.

After dinner, it's back home and to bed for everyone, including me.  I was up early to fly and didn't take a nap.  I'm tired.  See ya tomorrow.

9/1  Good morning.  As I walk into the living room, this is the sight that greets my eyes.  Oh dang, it must have been a rough early morning.  So glad mom is getting a little nap though.

Ava is just smiling so super cute right now and as I get her dressed for the day, she blesses me with a huge grin.  Okay, I can go home now and be a happy Gammy.

Meanwhile, out in the kitchen, Ophelia and Mommy are getting some breakfast made.  She is quite the little helper in the kitchen and loves to sit on the counter to help.

Ophelia received two plastic swimming pools for her birthday last June and one has never been used.  We check out the hold for the fire pit in the backyard and guess what?  It fits perfectly.  While we were getting groceries yesterday, Cassie also picked up some sand and we are now putting together a sand box for Ophelia to play in.

It takes her a little bit, but soon she is happy as a clam to be buried and playing away.  Getting her to keep her underwear on was a wee challenge, but we prevailed.

Daddy has also put a swing back here so we talk Gammy into a push on that as well.

I try and bring something when I visit and this time it is a box of blocks.  Yes, that was interesting going through security but that's a story for a different day.  Ophelia gets out her quilt that I made her and soon we have blocks everywhere.  They are a hit.  Woohoo.

9/2  It's a beautiful day and we are going to have a test today.  Since Cassie has a helper (me), we are going to the park for the first time since Ava was born.  Ophelia is super excited and we have bread for the ducks and everything.

I love this little park as it seems to meet a little bit of everyone's needs.

First up is to feed the ducks.  In no time, we have a ton of feathery friends hanging out looking for a handout.

I stay up top with Ava and the stroller but as soon as I walk a little bit away to take pictures, Cassie hears her crying.  Goodness, good ears.

Time for Ava to get into the front pack and hang out with Mommy.  Next up is the playground and after a quick swing, Oph is all about the slide.  She hasn't gone down by herself yet so we'll see what happens today.  Weeeeee --- check out that hair.  She does it.

And then she does it again, and again, and again for a really long time.  In fact, stopping is not on her agenda.  Mom handles the climb and take off, while I do the landings.

Each trip down she becomes more and more confident and capable.  No more falling over.  She has this.  We did it and Cassie found that with the front pack, she can do this.  Life is returning to normal, just with another person involved.

So sad, though - it is soon time to go home and get some lunch and then naps.  Mommy needs to feed Ava and get some rest herself.

While Oph sleeps, some patio time for Ava works wonders.  She really likes it outside and falls asleep almost instantly when she is brought out here.  Hey, whatever works.

When Ophelia wakes, it's back into the sandbox for her.

Now, ya gotta admit -- these are just dang cute.  I especially love the one on the right.

Yes, she let us mound up the sand all around her and then she added the decorations.

Suddenly we feel a few raindrops fall and Ophelia thinks there is a chance of muddy puddles so races for the house to get her raincoat and umbrella.

Oh, I am just laughing so hard right now.

The rain never really happens so we decide to fill the swimming pool.

It is dang cold water and yet, she doesn't want a swimsuit.  Naked does just fine for her and so - naked it is.

We play outside for a super long time and she doesn't seem to tire of it at all.  People stop by to visit and they don't even seem to notice that a naked kid is running around the backyard.  Woohoo.

I do manage to get a couple of super cute photos.

Perhaps my favorite of them all

When everyone is dried off and the mess cleaned up, we are back in the house and Miss Ava is awake and wanting to play as well.

I settle in to give her some attention and myself the chance for baby time.  It's hard to just hang here when the 2 year old wants your attention, but I do manage a few fun moments before I am off and running once again.

That's it for today.  I'm going to bed early again tonight and loving every minute of it.  See ya on the next post.  More days coming.

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