Saturday, October 29, 2016

Autumn in Utah - Round 2 - Day 5 and Travel Home

It is basically my last day here as I am traveling tomorrow and we are going to spend it at Cornbelly's.  Everyone gets up early and after dropping Ava with Grandma for the day (she's coming down with a cold), we are determined to arrive by the time it opens, thinking there won't be as many people there as it is a school day.  We did NOT count on the BUSSES that have arrived.  Oh well.  The place is huge and it's time for fun.

Once we are in, I spot this big cow and so does O.  She charges off to play with it while I snap a few pics.  However, charging off that way does earn her a conversation with mom about staying with us.  Dang it anyway.

The next area has a pumpkin house, complete with table and chairs.  It also has plastic food and O sets to work making a meal for her and Mommy.

It's a nutritious meal, for sure as it only has fruit, but maybe it's only a snack.  I'm outside taking pictures so can't really hear the conversation inside.

Next up is a giant wavy slide.  She loves slides but this one is a bit quick and she's just not too sure about it at all.

In fact, NO, she would not like to do it again.

Okay -- moving on.  We have found another bubble to bounce on.  The big difference is this one is packed with kids.  So many that just standing up is a challenge for O.

Whew, that was crazy and it's time for something a bit calmer.  I spot an "Edith Ann" rocker (if you don't get that - google it)  Yes, I would have LOVED to have it empty behind her, but that just wasn't going to happen.

How about some duck races?

Then we find the slide she LOVED last year, thinking she will like this better cos she rides with mom and on a mat.  Nope, she is just not into them this year.  Last time, we left this area crying because she wanted to do it again and again.  Ugh.  This time we leave crying because she DOESN'T want to do that again.

It just goes to show that ya never really know, do ya?

Where oh where is that corn tent?  Ah, there it is.  This one is so much better and has toys too.  I settle in on a hay bale to watch as my hips are screaming at me today and the two of them play for a really long time.  In fact, they play until my tummy starts grumbling, telling me that the day is going by without food.

Lunch.  Lunch is next and we spend some time just enjoying our "fair" food.

Now for the cow train ride.  We certainly can't miss this one.

Continuing around the grounds, we have heard rumors of a hay ride.  We finally locate it but the line is quite long so I take up residency and after one complete cycle, we are at the very front of the line.    Picture time and I am so happy with this shot.  It kinda proves I was there as well.  That's it.  The day is past and it's time to go home.  Dinner tonight is pizza and I could not be happier about it but after which I have to pack and prepare to leave tomorrow.  The rest of the evening is spent coloring/doing puzzles, and anything else Miss O wants to do.

Ah so sad, I must leave today.  This has been a great trip and I truly can't wait to return.  

I'm off to the airport for my flight home and plan on working on my planner the entire time.  Yes, it's that much of a mess.  Thank you so much, Cassie, for calling and asking me to visit.  Invitations are the BEST.  Love ya'll and see you soon.

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