Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Autumn in Utah - Round 2 - Days 1 & 2

Yes!  I am heading back to Utah for some fun and games with Miss O, Miss A, and Cassie.  Color me excited.  And speaking of color, I have some time at the airport this morning to watch the sunrise.  I'll admit, it took me a bit of time to find a spot in which I could view it and the sun was already partially up, but it was worth the effort.  An uneventful flight (aren't they the best kind?) to Salt Lake and I'm soon in the car with my girls.

Even Ava has opened her eyes to say hello.  Talk about cute.  Ophelia is full of things to say and I love the eagerness to see me.  I have missed her a ton.

It's a rainy day here in the Uintah Valley but we are  not letting that slow us down one bit.  We arrive at the Thanksgiving Point Scarecrow Festival directly from the airport.  It's time for some "muddy puddles."  Well, and some scarecrows too.

With umbrellas, jackets, a stroller and cameras, we are ready.  One thing about a rainy day -- the place is definitely NOT crowded and Ophelia is able to check out everything up close and personal.

They have asked us to vote on our favorites and I have already selected mine.  Love this one on the left.

As we walk along, I spot several different lighting exhibits going in around the area.  I discover it is for an upcoming festival called Luminaria.  Dang it sounds fantastic.  I won't be here then, but hopefully Cassie can take the girls to see it.  I show Ophelia some glass balls (lights) hanging from the trees and she stops to stare for quite awhile.  I'm not sure if the hands up indicates that she thinks we can lift her that high or just excitement.

The Point has several picture taking opportunities around the grounds and we make an attempt with a stack of hay bales.

She's super interested in showing us the hay and so I walk away and just watch.  I'm pretty sure Cassie gets a great shot here although I have to admit, I REALLY like this one too.


At the end of the scarecrow path is the lagoon.  Even on this rainy day, it is just so pretty.

I decide to stay with Ava up on the walkway and let Cassie and Ophelia wander down to the water.  At one point, it looks as though the path curves around and I follow it down towards the water only to discover that it turns to a brick walkway and Miss Ava is asleep.  I think I'll pass on waking her up with the rough surface.

I can see you.

Well that it.  We take a different route back to the entrance and are soon casting our ballots for the best scarecrow.  I'm not sure which one Ophelia is choosing, but she wants to vote too.

It's time to go home and rest for awhile.  Before naps, Gammy has some strange toys along with gifts.

While the house is quiet, I am sitting on the futon in the den and see a picture Cassie has over the fireplace.  Call me crazy, but this could just as easily be me and her.  Wow.  That's a step back in time.  It's also the end of pictures for today.  Keep on scrolling down though as this entry has two days in it.

Good morning Day 2.  Isn't this such a fun face to see first thing in the morning?

Today's event is dance class this morning and then a stop at the grocery store.  Let's get this party started.  Since it is almost Halloween, Ophelia gets to wear her costume to dance.  I have to admit -- she's about the cutest pumpkin EVER.

I take up a post on the floor in the corner and just watch.  Since it's a party day, they are able to play and move about the room at their own pace with limited instruction.  At one point, they are to go in a circle with nets they have been given.

Meanwhile, next to me Ava sits quietly in her chair for a bit and then Mommy takes her out to watch.

She is a super good baby as long as you don't hold her with tummy towards you.  She likes to be away and see what's going on.

At the grocery store, I find some window stickers for the dining room and O gets to put them up.  It's hard to get a good picture with the sunlight, but yep, the patented "O" smile.

She then asks to color for awhile and I take up a post to color along.  I notice as the sun moves that the light on her is pretty cool and forget the colors in favor of my camera.  LOVE this one.

Two of the gifts I brought are puzzles and it's time to give one a try.  She's just so stinkin' smart that she will have these mastered in no time.  Then what will I find to challenge her?

After dinner, we end the day with my request.  I want some salted caramel ice cream at Farr's.  Let go.  And that's it - another day is over and I'm ready for some sleep.  I have been up awhile and am ready for bed.

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