Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 - A Year in Review

It's another one of those years that end in 8.  Nice round numbers that mean I'm aging --- rapidly.  I do have to admit that this has been one of the hardest years of my adult life.  Honest!  There has just been so much to overcome and without the love of my sweet hubby, I wouldn't have seen the end of this year.  I'm thankful to be moving on - wish I could say thankful for the experiences, but it's still too new.

I would love to say that January held something.  But it didn't.  The flu was rampant in Dallas and we opted to just stay home much of the time.  I sewed, does that count?  I did attend a Red Hat function and we went to the museum once just in case sewing didn't count.

The following month allowed for 10 days of retreat, lots of visits to Dallas Blooms and my sweet hubby's birthday.  We have tons of decisions ahead so staying close to home happens a lot.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Family Time

Christmas Morning and I'm in my usual spot.  Sipping tea while it is still dark out and enjoying the glow of the tree.  It's the calmest part of the day and I adore it.  Some reading and some reflecting top it off and I can truly start the day with the right attitude.  Merry Christmas!!!

A Christmas Pavlova

Christmas dinner is at Mister's brother's house this year and we are bringing dessert.  The big question, now, is, "What to bring?"  There are dietary restrictions to work around, the largest one being gluten.  Wait!  We have been watching the British Baking Show again and Mister remembers the Christmas Pavlova that was taught one year.  Bingo!  I re-watch the episode and he finds the recipe to put into Paprika for me.  Off to the kitchen I go.

First thing is to take a piece of parchment paper and draw two circles on it.  One is 12" and the other is 6" and inside the larger circle.  Yes, it helps to center it there.  I know it's not a great picture, but it's all I have.

The next thing I do is check the recipe for ingredients and discover that one is on my grocery list.  Okay, change in plan.  Let's get the shopping done and then return to this.

Now, I'm ready to start.  Are you?  Preheat the oven to 325 degrees (F).

With 6 large, room temperature eggs -- separate them CAREFULLY.  Any speck of yolk in the whites will cause the meringue to be uncooperative.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

San Antonio Day 3

Well, dang.  It's our last day in San Antonio and we are facing a long drive home.  Somehow I have a hunch that traffic will not be as nice to us as on our way here.  It's now just a few days before Christmas and people are on the move.

We are off to breakfast at a VERY old and "must see" place.  Parking in a nearby garage, it's just a short walk - about 3-4 blocks and a beautiful morning.  As we move along on the sidewalk, I spot a church that just must be peeked into.  Oooooh --- it's beautiful.  St. Joseph Parish has members entering and exiting the entire time so it's hard to get pictures without invading their privacy, but I do try.

Friday, December 21, 2018

San Antonio Day 2

Good morning!  It's Day 2 in San Antonio and we are on the hunt for some coffee.  The GPS says there is a shop right near us but we are having a dickens of a time finding it.  Finally, Mister spots it but we cannot find any place to park and it doesn't really look open.  He pulls over and I go inside to make sure it is operating.  It is and I ask where to park.  That's a bad question as he really has no answer.  All the construction in the area has taken up their parking spots and it's becoming an issue.  Well, dang.   A spot is located and we are in!  Whew.

Welcome to Commonwealth Coffeehouse.  It's a warm, cozy and truly friendly little place to be.  The kitchen is wonderful and the pastries they create emit an aroma that I just want to breathe in all day long.

Placing our order and talking with the staff makes for an educational moment and aren't those what life is all about?  If I were to own a coffee shop, I would want it to be just like Commonwealth and if you haven't been when in San Antonio, well you are just plain missing out.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

San Antonio Day 1

I am still in shock that my sweet man has managed to snag some vacation days this late into December.  It's just so unusual but we are going to run with it.  Literally.  If we go fast enough, they can't change their minds.  San Antonio, here we come.

The drive down goes surprisingly quick and we are past our exit before we know it.  Honest.  I think we are about 45 minutes to an hour earlier than we expected.  Mister takes a random exit so that we can get our bearings and try to find some lunch.  I'm hungry and when I get hungry while traveling, things just don't go well.  I get a phone call from my daughter while Mister looks at the map so I'm surprised when I hang up and he has a destination in mind.  Just a wee bit away is the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center and the largest Virgin Mary mosaic in the world.  It was built in 2004 and 4 story's tall, symbolizing a 40' tall votive candle.  The original candle can be see at the base.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Artistry of the Nativity at The Dallas Arboretum

Vacation has begun so Mister and I are out and about today.  We have tried to buy a sewing machine bright and early at an estate sale (no go), then visited mom at rehab,  went to her house to water plants and collect mail, had pho for lunch, got the car washed at Subaru and scheduled the maintenance for January, stopped off for a beer, shopped at Tuesday Morning - found a candle and a pane-tone. 

Now we are at the Arboretum for The Artistry of the Nativity.  There are 500 nativities in the DeGolyer House.  The come from over 50 countries and represent so many cultures from around the world.  Each of the 500 creches are made out of unique materials, including cork, Waterford crystal, horns, seeds, corn husk, glass, adobe, paper-mache, wood and coconut shells.  It is absolutely wonderful and in addition to all that, every room in the house is elaborately decorated. Come along on a photo blog and see through my eyes just a small sample of the wonder.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Red Hat Holiday Spirit

 December is here and that means a Red Hat Christmas is right around the corner.

I was so hoping to be finished with all the dental issues I am having this year, but it just didn't happen.  Thus, here is my picture as I dress for the event.  Ugh --- My biggest hope is that next year, I will once again be able to smile huge and strut that happy person big and bold.

I want to be THIS Red Hatter:

Friday, December 14, 2018

Out The Kitchen Window

We have a visitor this morning.  Watch along with me.  It's so hard to get a decent picture out the kitchen window, but it's all we had for if we had opened the door, he would have departed rapidly.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Year 2 of The Girlfriend's Christmas Party

This is the second year of being invited to "The Girlfriend's Christmas Party" and I am meeting Stephannie there for a bit of fun.  We are not the first ones to arrive and groups are already reacquainting and catching up on each other's lives.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

2nd Annual Ornament and Cookie Exchange

December has arrived once again and that means the Ornament and Cookie Exchange is right around the corner.  I think that means I should start the preparations.  I spotted a really cute snowman ornament in Quiltmaker magazine this year and decided to make that our little project.  It doesn't require a sewing machine and the supplies are pretty easy to gather.  (I picked up the scarf fabric while in Houston at the International Quilt Festival last month but everything else was in the studio waiting for a place to be used.)

Now to make the sample.  Oh, he's just so dang cute and since I have the decorations up, onto his little tree he goes.  Perfect.

Friday, December 7, 2018

A House Full of Christmas Spirit

Christmas is running throughout the house once again.  I do so love this time of year and with a party the first Saturday this month, I really needed to kick it in gear and get started.

Mister obliges and hauls all the totes down from the attic and now the unpacking begins.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Cream Wafers - Swedish butter Cookies

Way back in the early 70's, I discovered these cookies and they are just simply delightful.  My children loved eating them, but the making of them took a lot of time so "instant gratification" didn't happen, making them less-inclined to participate in the construction.  That simply made them more of a treat, because they didn't get made each year.  I decided that for my annual Christmas Cookie Exchange party, these would be the ones for 2018.  Today is the day and here we go.

Mix thoroughly 1 cup soft butter, 1/3 cup whipping cream (I used heavy), and 2 cups of flour.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sunday Busyness - So Much Done.

Every now and then days are just plum full.  Today is one of those.

Mister has found a new coffee shop to start our day with.  It's always fun to explore our own area and this one is just right down the road a bit.  Called Houndstooth Coffee, I am eager to give it a try.  Sitting off to the side of a large complex, it comprises two buildings.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Red Gap Brewing

On the way home from Abilene, Mister made a stop in Cisco, TX so that I could check out a local quilt shop. If you're even remotely interested in that, here's the LINK to the separate post.  At any rate, the shop is wonderful and we also spent some time walking down the main street to see all that it has to offer.  We even discovered the first Hilton Hotel is here and still standing.  Pretty cool although it is not any longer a hotel.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Texas Renaissance Festival - 3 Generations

My lovely granddaughter, Bekah, invited her mother and I to spend the day at the Texas Renaissance Festival in Todd Mission, TX.  Yeah, I didn't know where that was either, but it's just north of Houston.  Maybe northwest?  At any rate, this is the last weekend for it this year so I chose to go on Black Friday.  My sweet Mister has to work anyway, so it'll still leave the weekend free for us.

Since my son-in-law is deployed right now, Jen is on her own and still has four boys at home.  Once again, Mister to the rescue.  He decides he can work from home there, so we stayed over on Thanksgiving and now we are on this early morning jaunt to the festival, arriving right around 11 a.m.  Our first stop is at the costume shop, for to truly enjoy a renaissance fair, one must dress the part.  Now, let's go have some fun.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving in Abilene

Mister was able to get off work around 2 and we left town immediately.  It STILL took us 2 hours to get to Weatherford.  Traffic was just not fun at all.

Now, we have open roads and are on the way to Abilene at a bit quicker pace.  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we are spending it with Jen and family.  Since a drive there early in the morning didn't seem that appealing, tonight we are able to watch the sunset and get a good night's sleep - we hope.  Just joking, I'm sure we'll sleep grand.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Fun With My Sweetie

Sundays are for us!  We try so hard to keep them that way.  Our morning ritual at White Rock Coffee starts out the day.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Hyrum and Zyra Return - Days 5 and 6 with Mom and Dad Too

These wonderful young people are opting for a quieter, closer to home day.  Words that make my heart sing.  However, tradition still must be upheld and that means a coffee shop visit is first up today.  It's a little chilly out so the walk is let go, but the visit is just as wonderful.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Hyrum and Zyra Return - Days 3 and 4

Hello to Day 3 with these treasures.  Saturday means no work for Grandpa and that means the whole day can be spent together.  My grands decided to save the zoo for a day when Grandpa could go too and today -- we are off bright and early for time with the animals.

We are making a beeline for the crocodiles as it is a member morning and the keeper talk starts any minute but a stop along the way to watch the penguins swim fits right in the route.

The keeper talk is really good and we even watch the feeding which only takes place every now and then.  These big guys just don't eat all that often.  I am so caught up in what I am learning that my camera stays put.  Oh well, trust me -- it was fun.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Hyrum and Zyra Return - Days 1 and 2

The house is clean, all the chores are finished and I'm oh so ready for time with some grandchildren.  It has been an extremely long year without them and I am super excited that is has worked out to have Hyrum and Zyra come visit for a few days.  Did I make that clear?  I am THRILLED!

In fact, I am so excited that I go to the airport super early even though their flight is delayed.  Up to the desk I go to get my pass in order to pick them up at the gate and, for the first time ever, have an attendant that is just not nice.  Apparently I look like a terrorist today and they have no concern over whether my son and his wife make their connection on -- even though it is on the same airline.  I have ALWAYS been able to go in to pick up kids.  After giving them my best logic, I am stuck in baggage waiting for the plane to land.  As soon as it does, I know that they will have about 10 minutes to drop the kids off, catch the Skylink, and make it to their gate in another terminal.  Not risky at all.  Argh.  I've texted all the information I can to my son and he lets me know when they are at the exit doors where I open the door, tick off the guard and stand firm until he send the kids into my waiting arms.  Crazy, but real.  At any rate, my babies are in my arms finally.

Grandpa is home working, but by the time we drive home, he is ready to call it a day and the kids have requested walking down to get pizza for dinner.  All requests must be met, of course.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Halloween, Red-Hatters, and Babes Chicken Dinner House

Boo!  Are ya scared? Ah come on now, let me have just a wee bit of fun, won't you?

It's red and purple time again.  I have been away so much lately that it almost feels like I'm the newbie once more, but in reality I'm over a year old.  Crazy.

It's Halloween Season and that means the annual trek to Babes for the Big D Re-Gal Red Hatters.  I finally get to use the costume I bought for the June Sock Hop and then had to miss.  I have used it once for a costume at Brazos, but today it finally is fulfilling it's ultimate purpose in life.  RED HATS!!!   Oooooooh.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Jen's Birthday and Grandson's Swimming

With an early morning rise, the car is plowing through the fog and off to Abilene for the day.  It's a multi-purpose day.  Jon has a swim meet and we also want to celebrate Jen's birthday.

Anniversary Escape

It's crazy, but EIGHT years have come and gone since we boarded a catamaran on Lewisville Lake and said, "I Do."  Each year we try and at least have a small getaway to enjoy a few days with just each other - no internet, no work, just us.  This year we are not running very far at all and will hopefully discover some new little Texas fun.  Yes, we did go out for dinner ON the actual anniversary date (picture on left), but it's the season, right?

Texas is under a water deluge right now and as we leave, it looks as though the rain will be with us all weekend.  So be it -- fun can be had no matter what.

I know that Mister has a destination in mind, but I have not been privy to the information so sit back and enjoy the drive south.  Our first stop is in Lancaster, which we both love so much.  It has that small town feel, but is truly only minutes out of Dallas.  They are trying to have a little event in their town square, but the rain is not helping.  I'm a little sad, as there used to be the coolest spinning shop here and I miss it.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Growler Night

Running away together on Thirsty Thursdays is still taking place.  Honest.  As proof, I will share some scenes from tonight.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Grandsons Swimmeet - First One of the Year

I have not seen any grandchildren in a very long time.  June in Provo and and May for Jen's family.  It seems like forever.  We are off to a swimmeet near Lewisville and looking forward to it.  These boys are soooo big but I have missed them incredibly.

Let's get this meet underway.  Jen, Jared, and Josh arrive and soon we are underway.  They are running the meet differently this year so it will go super fast and I'm thrilled.  These bleachers are just not friendly to old bottoms.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Autumn at the Arboretum 2018- Neverland

There's a break in the rain and we are racing for the Arboretum to take advantage.  It's opening weekend of Autumn at the Arboretum and with over 90,000 pumpkins, squash, and gourds, it's definitely picture worthy.

We arrive  during member morning so can't take pictures right away but by the time we get to Neverland, it's after 9 and the cameras come out.  These are the ones that are for sale.  WOW.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

One Heck of a Lot of Water

Sooooo-- records are being broke all around us.  We've received word that the highway is open again and perhaps we can weave our way to the dam and see how much water there is.  Well, this left turn is out.