Friday, November 23, 2018

Texas Renaissance Festival - 3 Generations

My lovely granddaughter, Bekah, invited her mother and I to spend the day at the Texas Renaissance Festival in Todd Mission, TX.  Yeah, I didn't know where that was either, but it's just north of Houston.  Maybe northwest?  At any rate, this is the last weekend for it this year so I chose to go on Black Friday.  My sweet Mister has to work anyway, so it'll still leave the weekend free for us.

Since my son-in-law is deployed right now, Jen is on her own and still has four boys at home.  Once again, Mister to the rescue.  He decides he can work from home there, so we stayed over on Thanksgiving and now we are on this early morning jaunt to the festival, arriving right around 11 a.m.  Our first stop is at the costume shop, for to truly enjoy a renaissance fair, one must dress the part.  Now, let's go have some fun.

I'll just let you do the same thing we did upon arrival.  Look around.

Inside this little shop, I am introduced to dragon puppets and I have to say that they incredible.  If I were still a child, oh how I would have begged for one.

They come in all sizes and colors.  Some have only one control - allowing for simple movements and some have more -- getting more complex and entertaining along with them.

Just outside, I decide to be brave and attempt a selfie -- something I haven't done since last July, but I'm feeling okay about things today and perhaps the smile will work.  Ta-Da

There is an egg game out front and you purchase an egg and will receive a prize of at least the value of the egg you purchase.  I go for a $5.95 egg and walk away with an $11.95 necklace, not a dragon, but still a good memory.

Bekah and Jen each receive necklaces too.

More scenes around the fair -

I REALLY like these dishes.

Shows are going on all over the place.

I think I have found the sign that shall be my mantra --- it is just so apt lately.

Oooooh, an entire section of spinning and weaving.  I'm in love.

Just look at the colors on this one --- yum.

So many activities going on all around the crazy LARGE grounds.

We just missed the jousting match -- maybe we'll catch the next one.

Food -- I need some food.  Fresh lemonade and beef stew in a bread bowl meets my need.  In fact it overmeets it as I share with Bekah and we still can't finish it all.

Back to the fun, Bekah wants to try on some wigs and although pictures are not allowed, well, dang, I sneak a couple anyway.  I wish I could have gotten one of her with the white or black wigs on ---- crazy good.

Earring jewelry is everywhere and it looks like the decision has finally been made.  I have to admit that I like the head wear with ribbons running through it.  Very cool and a great idea for an activity I have coming up.

There is a secret garden path so we decide to explore a bit.  It's really quite lovely back here and a great deal more quiet, making it the perfect break.

Bekah was having such a great time taking pictures --- is this my granddaughter?

As we exit the garden, we are in a totally different area of the fair. 

We could not have asked for a nicer day.  The sky is blue and the temperature perfect.

Stopping for a sit-down, we watch a show and although it is a whip cracking show, it starts out with some crazy good harmonica playing.  Watch with me -

More fun to see -- I love this blue dress so much.

Just to prove that I have, indeed, got a waist back again --  hahahahaha

It's time to go and turn in our costumes but then we can play a little longer at the fair before heading to the hotel for the night.

Bekah finally found Santa

I spend a bit of time in some dress shops trying to see just how these are made and why in the world they cost so much.  I'm thinking perhaps it's time to make my own costume -- I'm sure I'll find many uses for it.

And with that, we're officially beat.  We have picked up a last minute purchase of some beeswax lotions/soaps and it's time to go.  I've had a really fun time and would love to make this an annual tradition.  It beats the heck of out crazy Black Friday shopping although, I do like to sew on this day too.  Until next time, Hazar!

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