Sunday, November 4, 2018

Hyrum and Zyra Return - Days 3 and 4

Hello to Day 3 with these treasures.  Saturday means no work for Grandpa and that means the whole day can be spent together.  My grands decided to save the zoo for a day when Grandpa could go too and today -- we are off bright and early for time with the animals.

We are making a beeline for the crocodiles as it is a member morning and the keeper talk starts any minute but a stop along the way to watch the penguins swim fits right in the route.

The keeper talk is really good and we even watch the feeding which only takes place every now and then.  These big guys just don't eat all that often.  I am so caught up in what I am learning that my camera stays put.  Oh well, trust me -- it was fun.

Now -- for Gorilla Trail in the hopes that the baby is out.  We only have to wait a few minutes and are treated to some good views of her.  The gorilla holding her ears in the lower foreground of the picture on the right just cracks me up.  It's pretty chilly out, but apparently that is a learned behavior and she has always done that.  I just don't remember ever seeing it before and we have been here a LOT.

Here comes Daddy.

One more view up close and it's time to move on.  The aviary is up next.  I love it in here but today there are not any yellow (golden?) weavers to watch.

Find a sunny spot and maybe you'll find a Hyrax or two.

These elusive little guys are not easy to spot on a normal day, but with it being just a bit chilly out, I think they are looking for some warmth.  I know I am.

As we continue on the path, we are getting closer to the Hippo Outpost and it is the first time we have been since losing our male hippo.  It's kind of sad to see our lovely lady all by herself now and I have fingers and toes crossed that she will get another mate sometime soon.

Okay,  it's Savanna time and that means elephant photos.

Grandpa got some pictures of the kids feeding the giraffes but with his program down, I am unable to access them.  So sad.  I'll add them if I get the chance later.

Onto Zoo North - The tiger is up in the bamboo right near the fence and we've never seen him (her) this way.  He (she) is loving on a tree like you cannot believe.  It's so fun to watch.  I'm wondering if perhaps another tiger of the opposite sex was here before and perhaps this one knows it?

Inside the reptile building, a snake is out for an enrichment activity and both kids are able to touch and ask questions about it.

Chama, chama, chama, chama, chameleon.  This little guy is just cracking me up.  He sits and stares at everyone until I lift my camera to take a picture --- then he starts rebelling.  If I put the camera down, he stops.  Lift is back up and away he goes again.  I should have taken a video.

We are done!  It's afternoon (yes, lunch was had during our visit) and we've been here for about 6 hours now.  A ride on the carousel and we'll call it for today.  Hyrum keeps trying to steal Zyra's hat during the ride and I get a few fun pics of it.

Back at the house, it's cousin time.  Jen is in town for a swim meet and stops by with Jared and Josh for a few hours before heading back to Abilene.  I should have put these guys together for a fun picture, but it just didn't happen and I have no excuse.  It's been a fun-filled day and I'm ready for some dinner and quiet.  Lucky for me, so are they.

Day 4 is a quiet morning around the house.  It is much needed after go, go, going for the last few days.  Our afternoon treat is a trip to the movies, complete with popcorn and soda.  What is the movie of choice?  Incredibles 2.  Yep --- good times.

This theater has an arcade inside and Mister bought tickets for some added fun.  They got to play for a bit before the movie (while I stood in line to get the treats) and now is the chance to use up the remaining tickets.

A few games are played and then I show them this motion ride and they are willing to give it a go.  I promise, I really DO see Hyrum smile, I just can't catch it on camera.

And that's it for today.  We are going home to play some card games and relax this evening.  Once I have dinner dishes cleaned up, I discover that Grandpa and these two are snuggled in watching Stick Man.  Oh, he's such a happy Grandpa right now.

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