Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Hyrum and Zyra Return - Days 5 and 6 with Mom and Dad Too

These wonderful young people are opting for a quieter, closer to home day.  Words that make my heart sing.  However, tradition still must be upheld and that means a coffee shop visit is first up today.  It's a little chilly out so the walk is let go, but the visit is just as wonderful.

I love how all the grands enjoy sitting above and watching all the activity down in the shop itself.  It is a definite agreement between all of them.

We follow the morning ritual with a stop at Gecko Hardware where Grandpa can get some birdseed and the grands can check out the chickens.  Since they have chickens of their own back in Montana, this is always fun and I am amazed at their knowledge of the birds.  Even Hyrum admits that our George and Gracie are crazy cool.  It's no wonder he is a state champion several years running now.

Spontaneity runneth amok and got caught on camera.

Today's major activity is baking cookies.  Of course.  This is some of my favorite time with my grandchildren and look forward to it with glee.  Autumn sugar cookies are on tap for this afternoon and once aprons are donned, away we go.  I set up a small table where they can both roll out their dough and cut their own cookies.

As soon as the cookies are baked and cooled, it's time to decorate.

Grandpa left awhile ago and during the decorating, Matt and Becca arrive.  Yep, they were retrieved from the airport to spend the rest of today and tomorrow morning with us.  I am THRILLED to have some time with them.

And the cookies are dang good too.

It doesn't take Dad long to start being a pest to his kids, but I notice that they don't leave him alone, thus prompting the belief that they really do love their relationship.  It's so perfect to watch.

Grandpa takes Becca to shop at a Brazilian grocery store and I get to have a wonderful visit with my son.  Moments to treasure for sure.  Zyra did a little painting and has created a masterpiece to go up on Grandpa's bookshelf.  Ahhh, my heart.

The evening entertainment is brought to us by UNO and fun is had by all.  So many memories were had when my own children were young and the family sat down to play cards.  It's nice to have those feelings once again.  This has been such a fun week and I really don't want it to end.

All good things do end for a short time though.  After calling it a night and getting some sleep, we are up and sharing the last few minutes together before it's off to the airport.  That means family photos are a must.  Enjoy these as much as I do and notice how much fun Hyrum is NOT having. 

Thank you, my son, for spending some time with dear old mom.  I miss you more than words can ever say. 

Grandpa with his loves.  We really can't wait as long to see them again.  I am already hoping for just a few months before they can come visit again.

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