Saturday, September 22, 2018

One Heck of a Lot of Water

Sooooo-- records are being broke all around us.  We've received word that the highway is open again and perhaps we can weave our way to the dam and see how much water there is.  Well, this left turn is out.

It takes a bit but we do get down towards the lake.  Ahead is an observation platform that is completely submerged.

The water has only JUST receded from this road, but it still looks like we'll have to turn around

It takes awhile to go the normal 5 minute drive (like about 1/2 an hour weaving through back roads) but we make it to the dam.  OMG.  Honest.  Soooooo much water.

It's almost all the way up to the bridge.

Some still shots as the water makes it's way towards the outlet.

Just barely through the trees, you can see that the parking lot is entirely underwater.

Looking towards the dam.

A side view as we walk towards the dam.

The power of this water is intense.  Love the spray.

A look back at where we started from.

The dam.

I love how smooth the water looks as it flows over the edge.

It's time to head home and as we walk back towards the car, I grab a few pictures of the actual parking lot that was behind the trees in the view above.

Well, that's it.  Wow.  Highest we have ever seen the lake.  EVER.

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