Saturday, September 1, 2018

Fun At the Zoo - Gorilla's and Hippos Again

Wanting to walk this morning AND hoping for some views of our sweet baby gorilla, Mister and I are off to the zoo.  As we enter, there are two new displays out front.  That's as close to a rhino as we can get here.  Someday, I hope they return.

Making a beeline to the Gorilla Trail, we are sooooo rewarded.

And away they go --- upside down on mama's back.  hahahaha

I race to where I think they are headed and manage to get one shot before they are out of view.

That's it for the gorillas today.  Onto our friends, the hippos -- maybe they will be busy too.  SCORE!

They were exhibiting mating behaviors and I have my fingers crossed like crazy.  Ohhhh, a baby hippo to watch would be such fun.

One of the things the male kept doing is rolling onto his back near the female.  I had no idea they had such lily white bellies.

Very fun to watch today.  After an hour, we are ready to move on.  Yep, they were crazy active for the whole hour.

That's it for our morning.  A lovely monarch bids us farewell.

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