Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween Ya'll.  It's a chilly night here in Dallas, but we are ready for the kiddos.  The neighbor has a giant inflatable ghost in his yard and we have full size treats.  How many will we get this year?  Time will tell.

UPDATE  We had way more than EVER before.  Around 50 and, yes, I was prepared.  So much fun and some great costumes.  I think we giggled for hours.  Until next year --- avoid those extra pounds from all the goodies.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

African Violets Blooming Again -- Woohoo.

Just a little burst of color in the office.  Thought I'd share.

Sunday Metroplex Tripping

Good Morning!!  It is not quite as cold out today and I want to get out and move around a bit.  One of my friends needs a forgotten retreat item returned and another is performing at a church fall festival.  Additionally, I spotted an art festival that has been around for YEARS that we were unaware of and think it will be fun since we missed Cottonwood this year.  That means, we need to get out of bed and get going.  The planning stage is at an end.

A quick breakfast at home and straight to drop off the forgotten item, say a few hellos, and then get this day truly started.

In Richardson, there is a park entitled Huffhines and every year for FORTY-ONE years they have held the Huffhines Art Trails.  How did this never come up on our radar before?  So crazy to me.

Driving in, Mister says, "There are a lot of tents.  This is pretty good sized.  Tell me again how we don't know about this."  It is very organized and the decorating around the park is absolutely wonderful.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

A Red Hat Halloween

Well it's a bit challenging to find a red and purple Halloween image, but I didn't do too bad did I?  Oooooh --- it's the end of October and the universe has allowed me to attend a Red Hat Halloween at Babe's Chicken House.  Honestly --- doesn't that just make you smile as you read it.  Of course costumes are involved.  Oh your smile just got even more wide, right?

I have looked forward to this day all month.  Now in the interest of full disclosure, I am double dipping with my costume and using the same one I had a few weeks ago for the Our Witchy Quilt World retreat.  At that time, I had decided to be Endora from Bewitched and so it's going to be the one for today too.  It still allows me a lavender dress and I can maybe get away with the red hat.  Oh come on - use your imagination --- I could pass for Agnes Moorehead --- ya'll know that.  Just take a look.  Now, granted, my hair wasn't quite wild enough and I didn't have a high collar or long sleeves, but you get it anyway.  I know you do.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Back in Big Sky Country -- Billings Time Days 7 & 8

Day 7 and this trip is rapidly coming to an end.  This is my last full day and I am spending it with Rhiana just hanging around the house but, first, it's an early birthday   Kasey was in Afghanistan a LOT the past couple of years so I held off on his birthday gift last year, thus the afghan.  Is that too much of a coincidence?  I never thought of it until I just wrote this.  Ugh.

However, I also have his gift from this year so give that as well.  Anyone who has followed me at all this year knows that it is a pair of slippers (the ones on the bottom right).  Yep.  I'm getting to the end of the year and am so thankful that they fit him.  That's a definite plus.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Back in Big Sky Country -- Billings Time - Days 5 & 6

I am one organized Gammy this morning.  I have the girls dressed, fed, and the truck loaded before 8:30 a.m.  That leaves us some puppy time AND some time for pictures.  It's kind of hard to say good-bye today.  Even though we were able to stay one night longer than we thought, it still went super fast.  I definitely need to make another trip up here before two more years go by.

The girls had such fun with GG and made memories as well.  How much more could I ask for? 

Okay everyone together now --- it's time to smile. 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Back in Big Sky Country -- Flathead Days 3 & 4

Day 3 - Malea had a bit of a rough night last night so after changing bedding and clothes along with showering her, I let the girls (and me) sleep in a bit.  I'm kind of running on empty right now even with the extra time.  What shall we do today?  Apparently, whatever was bothering Malea has hit the road and I am so thankful for it.  No one else seems to have anything so all is good.  Again, what to do today?

We decide to go into town to a place called Sweet Pickins' for some fall fun.