Sunday, March 8, 2015

DC - Day Two

Good morning!  The wake up call rings at 6 a.m. and we have a half an hour to be down for breakfast.  Quick showers, dressing, and gathering our "must have" items takes all of that time but we are in the line for breakfast and oh my it does look good.  I am not usually a breakfast person, but I know that lunch is hard to get sometimes so I am making a point of eating.  I even grab a couple of oranges to put into my pocket "just in case."

Saturday, March 7, 2015

DC Here We Come - Day One

And I am off!  Washington DC here we come.  Jen, Jon, and I meet at the airport where I am given a NEON yellow t-shirt to wear (along with shirts for two other days too, but they are black)  So, I am not too worried about anyone losing me today.  Yep -- that's right.  As if my hair doesn't stand out enough as it is.  We are all able to check ourselves in so take a seat to wait on the group.  While we wait, I snap a quick picture and Jon coins it an "Usie" since there are three of "us" in it.  It doesn't qualify as a selfie to him.  Kinda tells you how my next few days are going to go, right?

It does take awhile, but soon everyone is off to security, then for a drink and something to eat (Mister sent a fresh scone with me - yep, I'm just that lucky), before heading to the gate.  The flight is on time and we are on our way.  I have brought projects to work on and spend my flight drawing and coloring on graph paper.  My travel mates?  Well take a look.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Winter Wonderland -- Beautiful Morning!

Upon waking this morning, I peek out the bathroom window to see SUNSHINE!  Yes!  I cannot tell you how excited I am after a week of dreary, drizzly, overcast, ick.  Along with the sunshine we have been gifted a blanket of white -- yes, about 3" of the powdery stuff.  In the sunlight it is sparkly like diamonds.  Here is a glimpse into our winter wonderland in Dallas.  Enjoy!

This guy is crazy.

Yep, that's me.  In my jammies.  Trying to get a picture to post on Facebook.

And this is Mister's foot.

Little bits of ice on the peach tree.

Ah -- true beauty.

Where is Mister going?  Is it the same place the squirrel went?

And last, but not least

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

And Then There Were Five

Our beautiful orchid just keeps bringing smiles to our faces.  What a piece of joy in all this winter madness.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The End of Birthday Season - Family Time

The birthday season is coming to an end today BUT I have managed at last to bake a cake for Mister.  Yes indeed.  It is yellow cake with chocolate frosting and I even decorated it.  Oh wow, pat myself on the back.

We are off to spend the day with Mister's family and enjoy lunch and a bit of celebration.  After a wonderful lunch of pho, we return to Mom's for cake and presents.

Mister is rewarded with treats -- beer and chocolates.  Now I want to see him have those together.

He also has received a couple of gifts from the kids in the mail.  Tea time from Amanda and her boys plus some fun mementos from Elena and Malea.

It's been a great birthday season and I loved spoiling him a wee bit each and every day of it.

Happy happy Mister -- we are the same age again.


Jen arrived in April bearing gifts for Mister:  COFFEE -- Oh he is one happy camper.

Friday, February 27, 2015

All Right - I Give Up -- It's WINTER!!

Oh My Gosh!  Seriously?  This is Texas and we have been freezing for days now.  So much for our pretty little quince that I posted about earlier.  There are absolutely no signs of spring anymore.  Ugh. 

The beauty of the white is wearing thin with me now.  Mister left work at 10:30 this morning in order to beat the majority of the storm home.  I am so glad that he did because shortly after that they closed the schools and most offices, causing such traffic jams that it was taking people HOURS to get home.  What a mess.  The one good thing other than Mister being home?  Birds!  Lots and lots of birds hanging around looking for a handout.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

We Are Outta The House -- Woohoo -- Date Night

Ah yes, date night and the magical sampler.  This one is all mine --- woohoo.  Lakewood Growler -- ALL Texas beer.  Fun times.