Friday, February 27, 2015

All Right - I Give Up -- It's WINTER!!

Oh My Gosh!  Seriously?  This is Texas and we have been freezing for days now.  So much for our pretty little quince that I posted about earlier.  There are absolutely no signs of spring anymore.  Ugh. 

The beauty of the white is wearing thin with me now.  Mister left work at 10:30 this morning in order to beat the majority of the storm home.  I am so glad that he did because shortly after that they closed the schools and most offices, causing such traffic jams that it was taking people HOURS to get home.  What a mess.  The one good thing other than Mister being home?  Birds!  Lots and lots of birds hanging around looking for a handout.

We have a pair of cardinals that live in our yard --- right now their colors really stand out with all the white around.  Aren't they so pretty?

How about a chickadee?

I walked out to the studio to get some thread and giggled at the tracks in the snow.  Had to come back into the house, grab a camera and walk back out to take a picture.  Yep, we have birds.

And ice --- we have lots and lots of ice.  It is Icemageddon 2015 after all.

Yep my friends, this is what freezing rain looks like.  Look close -- it's there.

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