Thursday, March 5, 2015

Winter Wonderland -- Beautiful Morning!

Upon waking this morning, I peek out the bathroom window to see SUNSHINE!  Yes!  I cannot tell you how excited I am after a week of dreary, drizzly, overcast, ick.  Along with the sunshine we have been gifted a blanket of white -- yes, about 3" of the powdery stuff.  In the sunlight it is sparkly like diamonds.  Here is a glimpse into our winter wonderland in Dallas.  Enjoy!

This guy is crazy.

Yep, that's me.  In my jammies.  Trying to get a picture to post on Facebook.

And this is Mister's foot.

Little bits of ice on the peach tree.

Ah -- true beauty.

Where is Mister going?  Is it the same place the squirrel went?

And last, but not least

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