Sunday, April 27, 2014

Art Mart at the Bathhouse - Lake Shots

I have been working all morning on projects and am ready for a break.  Artmart is at the bathhouse down at White Rock Lake and that seems like a great getaway.  Once we have toured through the displays and marked things down on our wish list -- I step outside to enjoy the view a bit.  It is cloudy today so we can't see downtown very clearly and I think a storm is on the way.  The moisture in the air is wonderful and it seems like my hands absorb it instantly as I stand there.  I swear I can feel them softening by the minute.

I spot a "window" that intrigues me and take a picture of it while Mister is inside still.  Then I move into it to wait and just enjoy the lake.

While doing so, apparently Mister has come out as well and takes this picture of me.  Yes, we each have a camera as usual.  Not the most flattering shot, but I want to remember the moment.  It is time to head back home -- back to work.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Artscape at the Arboretum (And Some Flowers Too!)

We had planned on trying to go to Artscape at the Arboretum last night, but I got so caught up in the quilt I was working on that we ran out of time.  As a result, we are up and off to the gardens early this morning.  That's okay though - and maybe even better as I love to be here before everyone else and enjoy the peaceful beauty.  It rejuvenates me.

As we are walking, we once again find trails that we have not been on and do some exploring.  The beautiful azaleas of a few weeks ago are about finished and the main areas are filled in with green.  The trees have leafed out and new plants have not bloomed yet.

The test gardens are full of new surprises though -- here are a few:

Snapdragons in awesome color combinations

Gorgeous roses (actually the roses are blooming all over the gardens)

An incredible variety of flowers, vegetables, and herbs in the container area

And petunias that never end hanging above everything.  Do you see the mockingbird?  As we stand here he goes through his entire repertoire for us.  I am surprised at how many of the calls I recognize just from my mornings listening to the birds while I work.  He knows we are standing here and yet continues his performance.  So fun.

The art show has opened and it's time to put the camera away and enjoy the creativity of others.  What a nice morning.

Quilt Ladies

One of the ladies on the Texas Quilter's Facebook page decided to sponsor a "Meet and Greet" with anyone who could make it.  Since I actually can fit it in, I am off to meet them.

We gather at a restaurant and visit for a couple of hours before heading down to the fabric warehouse district to play.  Everyone walks away with at least one treasure and some new friends.  What a nice afternoon and I look forward to getting to know Suzanne, Becky, and Bonnie better.  Thanks ladies.

(It's a bit of a blurry picture that a random guy at the counter took for us.)  Glad we have it though.

Peach Check Week 4

Week 4 check in with my peaches.  We are bigger than a nickel now and have spots of a blush color showing up.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Neighborhood Gathering -- Wine Event for April

Has a  month gone by already?  It is time again for our monthly wine night in the neighborhood.  I do so enjoy these as it is a bit of social time for us and helps us get to know the neighbors better.  I have busy ALL day working on a quilt and Mister has been left to make all the preparations himself.  He has made a carrot cheese ball that he paired with a gingersnap type cookie and some graham crackers.  It is WONDERFUL!  I am so thankful for him and his willingness to be a partner in everything.  Besides, I would not have come up with this.  I was gonna do hummus and flatbread - real original.

During the evening -- we stop and do a couple of group shots.  Some people have already left, but it still shows a good mix.  What a fun evening.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mexico Right In Our Neighborhood

I have been sewing all morning and need a break to ask Mister if he wants to take a walk down to the thrift store and see if they have any men's shirts that I can use for a new quilt.  We strike out on the shirts, but discover La Michoacana Meat Market, a great little grocery store and meat market with a wonderful mini cafe inside.  We decide to have a couple of tacos to test it and are pleasantly surprised.  It is as if we have taken a quick trip south.  All the signs are in Spanish as well as the music and conversation around us.  What a fun find -- right in our own area.  Why don't we check out local shops more?  I am asking that as humans in general.  Do you know what is in each shop near you?  I am on a mission to discover ours.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mister Monkey

It has been a couple of years since the trees were trimmed in the backyard and that is the thought process that takes Mister out to take care of the problem.  If these don't make you smile (Matt), then you cannot comprehend how challenging this set-up is -- and perhaps a bit unsafe as well.

He starts with the pecan tree and a long pole saw.

Next day:  Onto the oak tree but this time he needs to be a bit of a monkey.  There is some damage from the storms this year and the branches that need to be removed are quite high.  I said, "just climb up there and sit in that one "v".  After looking at me and reminding me he that he is 55 and climbing trees is not high on his 'wanna do' list, I held the ladder and he set out.  Once he got into position, I climbed to the top of the ladder with his pole saw and passed it to him.  Let the cutting begin.

We also took several lower branches off this oak and the oak out front.  Our roof is now clear again and there is a mountain of branches out front ready for bulk pickup this week.  Once the places where branches were removed are treated with a healing sealant, his task is accomplished.  Good job Mister.