Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mister Monkey

It has been a couple of years since the trees were trimmed in the backyard and that is the thought process that takes Mister out to take care of the problem.  If these don't make you smile (Matt), then you cannot comprehend how challenging this set-up is -- and perhaps a bit unsafe as well.

He starts with the pecan tree and a long pole saw.

Next day:  Onto the oak tree but this time he needs to be a bit of a monkey.  There is some damage from the storms this year and the branches that need to be removed are quite high.  I said, "just climb up there and sit in that one "v".  After looking at me and reminding me he that he is 55 and climbing trees is not high on his 'wanna do' list, I held the ladder and he set out.  Once he got into position, I climbed to the top of the ladder with his pole saw and passed it to him.  Let the cutting begin.

We also took several lower branches off this oak and the oak out front.  Our roof is now clear again and there is a mountain of branches out front ready for bulk pickup this week.  Once the places where branches were removed are treated with a healing sealant, his task is accomplished.  Good job Mister.

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