Sunday, April 6, 2014

Another Teenage Grandchild - Happy Birthday Jon!

I have a 13 year old grandson to go with his almost 15 year old sister.  Where on earth is time going?  I think I am actually getting old.  I am not going to be able to deny it much longer.

We are on our way down to Temple for the afternoon/evening.  It's been awhile since we have made the trip and we won't be making it many more times either.  Louis has received his new orders and they will be moving to Abilene in July.  I guess we will teach our car a new route.  AND we will have the opportunity to explore a new section of Texas.  (I know, I know -- never start a sentence with "and."

When we arrive at the house, Jen, Bekah, and Jacob are off doing "stuff" and Jon is nowhere to be seen.  We are treated to time with Josh, Jared, and Louis so we fill it with conversation and fun.  We haven't just visited with Louis in quite some time and so it is nice to get filled in on all the Air Force comings and goings.  He is also working on the floors of the house so that they can list it so he and Mister talk about that as well.

Once Jen is back home, we talk for a short time, discover that Jon really was here all along, finally wish him a happy birthday, and then it is time to start dinner.  Jon has requested Maul Dasha (click here for the link) and Josh wants to help so after he cuts strawberries for us -- he is given a lesson on cracking eggs.  Such a fun age.

Not only is dinner filled with strawberries, but Jon has also asked for his birthday cake to be "strawberry shortcake" so we cut a LOT of strawberries.

After dinner, an intense match/fire hunt to light candles, and Jacob blowing them out before Jon is able to, we are treated to wonderful shortcakes.  I have not had one of these in a very long time.  Yum.

It's time for gifts and Jon has opted to cash out from his parents as he is saving like a madman to get his own laptop.  I admire that and hope he is able to save enough to do so quickly.  I, on the other hand, do not cash him out.  As Mister and I had made his quilt over the last two months, I am very excited to give it to him.

The smiles are nice to see and my hopes are that he will love this as much as I do.

And this -- this is why I am doing what I am.  This look means more to me than anything else.

His final gift:  The cash out from Mom and Dad.  That's a cool smile too!  I am so glad we are here to spend this time with family.  I love birthdays -- as long as they aren't mine, lol.

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